Leveraging the Power of Integration: BIM and GIS for Improved Urban Planning

Brief Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) have different focuses and interpret 3D models differently. BIM manages detailed building components, project information, cost, and schedule from an architectural and construction point of view, while GIS manages the geographical information of buildings and their components from geographical viewpoints, which helps to manage the … Read more


Perus, São Paulo La propuesta estudia la posibilidad de una  planificación territorial centrada en el desarrollo urbano integrado con el entorno natural , siendo las preexistencias  (infraestructuras verde-azul y obsolescencias tangibles e intangibles)  el medio articulador principal y estratégico de las propuestas venideras. La trayectoria Los acontecimientos en la cronología de Perus consolidan una historia de … Read more

DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of the book “Delirious New York” written by Rem Koolhaas. “The future is no longer about power, but about bandwidth.” Rem Koolhas Rem Koolhaas wrote a novel titled “Delirious New York” that outlines the evolution and background of Manhattan’s design and urbanism. Koolhaas wrote this book because he desired to … Read more


El proceso que se viene desarrollando con el titulo de Paisajes Anfibios se acotó en una porción del territorio de la Ciudad de Cartagena más delimitada, cuya circunscripción viene dada por unos puntos de prolongación de las áreas de inundación y de unas infraestructuras que requieren transformación. Es sabido que mientras van pasando los años … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible

Mi lugar de trabajo es la Ciudad Vieja de Montevideo, el casco histórico de la ciudad, Aquí residen aproximadamente 12.500 personas  y cuenta con una población flotante de 40.000,  en un área aproximada de 140 hectáreas. Es uno de los barrios financieros, así como el barrio turístico y cultural por excelencia de la ciudad.  ¿PORQUE … Read more


Ciudades urbana y humanamente digeribles Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A Anteriormente el tema se aborda desde la perspectiva de ecología y cambio climático, donde se expone la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango y donde se identifican los procesos alimentarios a traves de la industria y como estas dinámicas crean ciudades enfermas y obviamente ciudadanos enfermos, … Read more


REPROGRAMANDO EL BORDE ¿Como seria el mundo si fuéramos un solo país?  ¿Como imaginarnos un lugar en donde no existen fronteras, ni limites imaginarios que separen culturas? Antes del periodo de colonización en América no existían fronteras, barreras imaginarias que empiezan a tejerse con la llegada de los colonos, es por ello que a través … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urban planning decisions have a significant impact on the development of cities, and using machine learning can provide decision-makers with valuable insights to make informed decisions. By clustering urban areas based on various factors such as population density, built density, POI density, green cover, and build diversity, we can reveal spatial patterns that can … Read more


The Core challenges of urban childhood As cities grow and develop, there is often a lack of safe and child-friendly spaces for children to play, walk or bike alone. The increase in traffic and air pollution makes it challenging and unsafe for children to travel on foot or by bicycle. Crime and social fear also … Read more

Aguas Simbióticas

MODELO DE CIUDAD BASADO EN INTERACCIÓN CON LA HIDROGRAFÍA LOCAL Las ciudades pueden transformar su estructura, transporte, fuentes de energía o gobernanzas, sin embargo, no pueden existir sin agua. El agua es la fuente de toda la vida, y teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso extremadamente escaso, las ciudades tienen una responsabilidad por preservar … Read more


Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and cities like Mumbai with a population of over 12 million people, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In fact, studies have shown that Mumbai is one of the cities most at risk from rising sea levels more intense floods, … Read more

Meteo sanctum

The project reflects on how people in ancient times defined natural and weather phenomena. The proposal is to create an open public space – Inspired by the concept of an ancient sanctuary with places that used to be built for worship and predictions of weather conditions, the Meteo Sanctum consists of digital indicators that allow … Read more

Public Pulse

PROBLEM A lack of activities and engagement in certain streets can lead to a decrease in their vibrancy and vitality. This can manifest in empty streets, dilapidated buildings, and a dearth of social and cultural events. Over time, these areas may become less desirable places to live or visit, perpetuating the cycle of neglect and … Read more


Introducing the Mobility Footprint, an interactive dashboard designed to promote awareness about mobility in urban environments and its impact on CO2 emissions. By selecting your typical mode of transportation and choosing from eight pre-determined destinations, the dashboard will provide you with a recommended route, estimated travel time, and the CO2 emissions associated with your selected … Read more

Smoking portrait of a city

The smoking process is tricky because people don’t seem to quit.. How highly is it integrated in our life? Or In a life of a city? May the city be our major tobacco dealer? Or it’s not that simple. Part 1 – Human relation Part 2 – City relation Common factors that can influence smoking rates … Read more

Mumbai Dabbawala

Do you nip out to get your lunch from your favourite café, or perhaps use the Uber Eats app to get your lunch delivered to your office? In India, lunch is a whole different ball game. It’s people-powered – made at home that morning and delivered straight to you, all absent of any technology in time. … Read more

London’s Urban Micro-Facilities

A Story of a Beloved Design This is a story of a one-of-a-kind creation in history, the British Red Telephone Box, which soon after its implementation in 1921 became a symbol of british culture and identity, an inseparable part of the nation’s and, more specifically of London’s urban landscape. Successful designs can be timeless, resonating … Read more

The Geography of Substance Use.

A Visual Story by: According to World Health Organization, 1/5 adolescents engage in some form of substance use. The Question of 100 School Phycologists: How planning could contribute towards the understanding of geographic patterns of substance use in order to distribute human resources all around the country? This visual story, seeks to explore the geographical … Read more

PATI de la VILA: 3d Printed Earthen Housing

Nader Akoum IAAC 3d Printing Earthen Architecture Housing

At a time when additive manufacturing using earth becomes commercial and available for large scale services, earthen housing becomes more possible without the heavy maintenance required for challenges like spanning, drying, heightening, printing, and durability. A student earthen housing project in Barcelona could vary in many capacities depending on its context of deployment, and in … Read more

Dislocating Creativity

“A Data-Driven Approach to Balancing Creative Class Development and Social Equity in Barcelona” The creative industries have been acknowledged as one of the most important sectors for economic growth and development in current cities worldwide. This sector represents a space of culture where all artistic and creative expression that pro-actively enters into dialogue with new … Read more

Health of the over-aging population

Ageing population is increasing around the world, many of the European countries and Japan, . The above graph shows the number of the population 65 years old and over people in World. In 2019, the total aged population was  703 million people and the projected population suggests that in 2050, it will be over 1050 … Read more

Rethinking Industrial Clusters Policies

MOBILITY By selecting the municipalities along the industry belt, we identify the differences about mobility pattern. Commuting people are coming by over half an hour’s trip to work in weekday, but the number of people declines in the weekend.

Natural Capital Investments | Barcelona Protocol

-The future of the earth, its eco-systems, and our own civilization will be decided in and by our citIes– Learn more about Barcelona Protocol here “Only if we ensure that the material, means, and methods with which we build and manage our cities are primarily drawn from regionally available and sustainably managed biological resources can … Read more