The proposed student housing is a result of a system, designed with bottom to top approach, where a module design is considered with variable parameters to proliferate into a building proposal which establishes the relationship between structural and spatial organizations.

The site falls within the close proximity of some institutions and more importantly close to a green land which allows one to take an advantage of harvesting the construction materials locally hence achieving economical and ecological sustainability.

Approx site area: 2,554 sqm
Approx perimeter: 215m
76m x 35m

The total site area is 2,554 sqm which allows us to spread the functions horizontally, which would let the structure breath in terms of shrinkages, load distribution and to maintain the necessary moisture in the walls.

The existing shadow pattern in the site, especially in the morning and evening hours which allows lesser direct as well as diffused sunlight.

System design – Forming rulesets which can be parametrized for a designed typology.

The module design follows a ruleset for a triangle to a polygon with the projected heights as equal to the length of the sides.

Stretched vs. scaled proliferated model. The scaled model on the right side shows the possibility of creating openings at higher level better light and ventilation.

The student housing is a result of a proliferated parametric module with the given design parameters viz. space functions, required area, space heights etc. The private spaces are divided into two building clusters majorly connected by communal spaces like indoor/outdoor informal gathering spaces and introvert courtyards.

Clipping plane animation to visualize the varying heights

Global view of the building clusters connected together with the communal spaces and access corridors.

Typical detail of the vault supporting the intermediate timber slabs

The catalogue of the vaults with varying floor area and the corresponding heights as per the ruleset designed for the space requirements.