The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

Subterranean Eden: Martian Harvest Halls

“An innovative way for agriculture on Mars, pushing boundaries of space exploration ensuring future interplanetary habitation.” Mars—the Red Planet—is getting closer. According to the experts, human settlements on Mars might be visible in ten years, allowing for more space exploration. Keeping that in mind, this semester’s goal is to create a 300-person Mars colony. The … Read more

MarSensate: Collaborative Workflows

Introduction Marsensate is a project based on our Studio course where we explore designing on Mars in order to habit a Marsian colony. The primary goal of our colony was based around Sprituality, to provide a more human environment that appeal to everyone, regardless of their beliefs, genders, preferences, and we focused on the aspect … Read more

Martian Aggreculture

The Martian Aggreculture project envisions a food production facility for the first colony on Mars. Our combinatorial modelling approach is data driven – flowing from the demands of the program and the realities of building on Mars into our aggregated architecture to provide a decentralized and resilient food production facility. Colonization at the Aggreculture site … Read more

Solis Centrum – the Sun Center of Aleph City

Project Brief Solis Centrum is a project for the BIMSC Studio class within the 2023/24 MaCAD program. This project aims to represent the solar center of the Aleph City community, a conceptual community on Mars located on the Valles Marines. Mission Statement Solis Centrum aims to represent the solar center of the Aleph City community. … Read more

Cosmos Cultivated: Cultivating Collaboration and Automating Workflows

Project Concept: The Mars Subtractive Sanctuary Village hosts vertical farming beneath, with circulation acting as a canopy. Sunlight delicately filters through, embracing the celestial surroundings and crafting a breathtaking habitat on the Martian surface. The project’s primary goal is to provide food for 50 Martian settlers using a plant-based diet.  Program and Adaptation Approach: Comprehensive … Read more

Integrative Ant Hill Colony

Our group project is Ant Hill Colony on Mars, which has both above/below ground elements and underground heart, tunnels and pods. The project concept derived from “learning from ant colony,” therefore, the geometry shapes were more organic and natural. Originally, we recreated this by starting with LiDAR technology to identify the soil characteristics, then applying … Read more


Inhabiting Ice Cavities under the Martian Surface Introduction – The Idea For the first settlers on Mars, we have envisioned a colony of Aqua-Miners with the primary task of harvesting water as a resource from the ice beneath Mars’ surface, storing it and recycling it for sustainable use. Our approach to this problem has been … Read more

Aquamines – a Collaborative Workflow

Introduction – The Idea For the first settlers on Mars, we have envisioned a colony of Aqua-Miners with the primary task of harvesting water as a resource from the ice beneath Mars’ surface, storing it and recycling it for sustainable use. Our approach to this problem has been exceptionally data-driven. Our idea is to explore … Read more

EleMental Mars

Embracing community living and relaxation as essential components to overcome the challenges of life on the Red Planet. In the prospective colonization of Mars, Meditation and Wellbeing were identified as key elements to endure life far from Earth. During the research, the concept of the Japanese Pagoda, a vertical structure that encompasses the five elements … Read more

Aggreculture: Collaborative Workflows

Project Concept Aggreculture is a Martian colony architectural project focused on food production. The design concept is inspired by the way plant roots grow to find necessary nutrients within soil aggregate. Our project is unique in that it occupies a Martian lava tube. By building in a lava tube we use existing natural resources to … Read more

Alfafa Colony: Integrative Modelling

Project Concept Establishing a Martian food colony around a Mohole, designed based on growth morphology of alfalfa for efficient organization and development using L-systems. These terminologies are further explained below. Moholes Moholes on Mars are massive cylindrical excavations in the regolith, reaching up to 1 km in diameter and 7 km in depth. With temperatures … Read more


Sculpting on Mars Martian Environment – Human Habitat – Water Production “Well-Nest” is a Mars colony primarily dedicated to water mining and accommodation.We advocate for the development of a comprehensive system aimed at extracting, storing, and circulating water throughout the colony. Low Terrain Slope; Min Risk of Excavation Challenge; Expose to Solar radiation – Gaining … Read more

Integrative Modeling Strategy – Solis Centrum

Solis Centrum Overview Solis Centrum is a project for the BIMSC Studio class within the 2023/24 MaCAD program. This project aims to represent the solar center of the Aleph City community, a conceptual community on Mars located on the Valles Marines. By providing residential, recreational, and energy harvesting facilities, Solis Centrum can not only provide … Read more


UrbanCanvas is an innovative web application designed to provide comprehensive and detailed data for urban areas, empowering users with precise information about plot boundaries, buildings, 3D structures, roads, land usage, and empty plots within a city. This platform seamlessly integrates advanced mapping technologies, data visualization, and analytics tools to facilitate urban planning, real estate development, … Read more

Mining MARS: Integrative Modelling

Introduction As part of our studio project, we have designed a Mars colony. The main purpose of this colony is the extraction of urgently needed raw materials in a kind of open pit mine. Taking into account the special conditions and protection needs on Mars (mini-metroites, radiation, sandstorms, atmosphere…) we decided to combine our base … Read more

Aggreculture: Integrative Modelling

Project Concept Aggreculture is a Mars colony architectural project focused on food production. The design concept is inspired by the way plant roots grow to find necessary nutrients within soil aggregate. Our project is unique in that it occupies a speculative Martian lava tube. By building in a lava tube, we use existing natural resources … Read more

Urban Impact Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of urbanization, migration towards cities is an undeniable trend. With this migration comes a myriad of challenges, notably the exponential rise in land costs and the often haphazard nature of urban development. As cities expand, there’s a pressing need for thoughtful and strategic construction that not only addresses the demands of … Read more


INTRODUCTION As we all know that Global warming, caused by the greenhouse effect, is leading to an increase in Earth’s average temperature and the rise in sea levels. Due to the increase in temperature, we are succumbed to high indoor discomfort. Which can be correct by different air conditioning systems. This leads to the increase … Read more

Machine Learning in Architectural Practice and BIM

We’ve witnessed a fascinating shift from conventional to computational approaches, responsive designs, and the era of automation. Machine Learning, a term buzzing everywhere these days, has made its mark in our industry as well. In architecture, ML, a subset of artificial intelligence, utilizes data to tackle challenges in computer-aided design by simulating various design alternatives … Read more

The Future of Generative Design – Enhanced with BIM

The Tools In the world of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), designers have access to a plethora of tools, ideologies, and software to make their visions a reality. Within this vast space of options for designers to choose from, there are more specifically, tools that deal with Generative Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Software … Read more


Design a temporary school for emergencies with few clicks! RE:EDU for Re – Education. The idea of this project is to create a web platform for non-profit associations and municipalities to design an easy to assembly and low cost school structure. Several events, especially in this past year, have left children without a school’s infrastructure, … Read more


cHair is an app that utilizes an optimized Grasshopper file, defines the HTML structure of the page, while utilizing Vue.js directives to bind data and methods to the page. The JavaScript code in the script section provides the logic for the page and defines the data and methods used in the template section, and the … Read more

Martian Playground // Studio

Design Brief and Scope The purpose of this project is to design a colony on Mars to sustain life for 50 people with the possibility to expand to 300 people over time.  This specific projects revolves around the specific function of recreation. Site Detection and Analysis ChatGPT 3 is used to create a relative grading … Read more

Mars Colony: Food and Energy Production

01 / SITE ANALYSIS OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES As a part of a team working on a project to establish a colony on Mars, and we’re focusing on developing a sustainable food system for our future home. In order to do this, we first analyzed the conditions on Mars, such as the maximum solar radiation, average … Read more