The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.


Sensemaking Through Humanitarian Data

THE GAZA STRIP CONFLICT Since October 7th, we have been witnesses to the atrocities of the humanitarian crisis and genocide in Gaza. Over 32,000 Palestinian people have been killed, and another 74,000 reportedly injured to date.  About 70 per cent of those killed are reported to be women and children. The population of Gaza consists of … Read more

Nth Dimensional Chess

Introduction The objective of this Data Science project is to investigate the possible evolution that the value of a chess piece may experience when they’re allowed to move on a board of higher dimensions. The project will analyse the movement of the chess pieces beyond the 2d plane and onto the 3d cube, 4d hypercube … Read more

Ideals Along Lines of Conflict

The killing of Nahel Merzouk was not an accident. The 17-year-old French Algerian boy was killed where the potential for conflict is high, in Nanterre. A young Muslim in a yellow Mercedes along the western Champs-Élysées unfortunately made Nahel a prime candidate for police violence resulting in death. His death brought about a week of … Read more

The Climate Paradox

COP is a climate conference that aims to cut emissions but paradoxically boost carbon footprints due to increased transport and attendance. This situation offers host cities a chance to engage in greenwashing, presenting a façade of environmental responsibility. This underscores the intricate challenges involved in realizing true sustainability during major events, highlighting the need for … Read more

Hyperenergetic Viladecans

By 2100, the global temperature is forecasted to increase from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius due the effects of Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Human Activities. The City of Viladecans has developed a Vision by 2030 which expects the city to become EMISSIONS NEUTRAL, and EMISSIONS NEGATIVE by 2050. For approaching this goal, HYPENERGETIC VILADECANS establishes … Read more

Rethinking the Mekedatu Dam Project

The Cauvery basin is not just a river; it’s an intricate ecosystem that supports diverse flora and fauna and sustains the livelihoods of farmers in both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Our hypothesis posits that the proposed Mekedatu dam, far from being a panacea, is an unnecessary venture that could further destabilize this delicate balance. The … Read more

Greece’s Wildfires: Nature’s Fury or Human Ignition?

Introduction Greece’s scorching summers and dry climate create a perfect storm for wildfires. These fires cause widespread devastation, burning homes and harming ecosystems, with tragic consequences like loss of life. While the climate undoubtedly sets the stage, many in Greece believe human activity is the real culprit. Accidental fires from carelessness or deliberate acts of … Read more

Music_Mental Health

Undertaken by: Avi Sharma Hypothesis : Exposure to Music correlates with variations in Mental Health among people. We all know that listening to music can evoke various emotions, depending on the song. What I am exploring is the idea that exposure to music, in general, can play a role in shaping your overall mental health … Read more

‘Too Hot to Handle’

Miami cannot pay for its affordable housing without additional funding. Since 2020, the market has been scorching hot – with average rent rising at quadruple the pace of median income (Zillow, U.S. Census). New opportunities at the federal, state, and local levels will open budget to spend. But, conflicting federal and state geographies of interest … Read more

Gates in the Street

Looking for a correlation between the presence of closed condominiums in Bogota and Crime Rate “In Bogotá, one third of households live in gated communities. This phenomenon is a misleading application of the model idealized by the post-war urbanized American suburbs where an ideal, safe, happy, perfect life was idealized. A life where mobility prioritizes … Read more

Pykémon: Gotta catch ’em all!

Introduction Pokémon GO, the groundbreaking augmented reality mobile game developed by Niantic, has revolutionized the gaming industry since its launch in 2016. With millions of players worldwide, the game transcends traditional gaming boundaries by integrating virtual creatures known as Pokémon into real-world environments. As players explore their surroundings, they encounter Pokémon spawns in various locations, … Read more

Unequal Blooms: Studying socioeconomic realities of Medellín’s “Eternal Spring”

Introduction In recent decades, the importance of urban green spaces and their potential impact on various aspects of urban life has gained significant attention from policymakers, urban planners, and researchers worldwide. The creation and maintenance of green spaces within urban environments have been associated with numerous benefits, including environmental sustainability, physical and mental health improvements, … Read more

45 Years of Piracy: Strengthening Global Maritime Security through Non-Military Approaches

Our project embarked on a mission to tackle global shipping piracy without resorting to military action. We faced a major challenge: finding and using publicly available information to craft a proposal that countries and international organizations would support. 1. WHY SHIPPING PIRACY? Within the context of Networked Flows, our directive was to pinpoint potential disruptions … Read more


Introduction Milan, Northern Italy’s epicenter, confronts economic and environmental challenges rooted in a shift from agriculture to manufacturing. To secure its future, Milan invests in knowledge, tourism, and place-based innovation, relying on revenue from high-income foreigners, students, and the European Union. Strategic efforts to transition to a green economy focus on renewable energy, waste reduction, … Read more