The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.


Tackling the Internet of People through Fortifying & Diversifying the economy in Viladecans, Spain Introduction Viladecans is a dynamic and thriving municipality with a rich history, diverse economy, and vibrant community life. Its strategic location, economic opportunities, and quality of life make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit in the Barcelona metropolitan … Read more

Places to stay

Viladecans greeted us with an unexpected tranquility. We arrived to the city on the commuter train from Barcelona, opposing the flow of morning commuters. The station was empty. A single street, lined with abandoned plots and industrial sheds led us up the hill into the town. A few hundred metres later the scene couldn’t be … Read more

Monotony or Variety in the 15 Minute City

1. Abstract While studying about phenomenology and livability, it’s expression and its governing aspects, it is essential to recognise the true meaning of it. Phenomenology is reffered to the lived experience of objects, space and other surroundings. It is also important to understand the how, when and where of the experiences and what experiences are … Read more

Agent Simulation_Measuring Intervention Impact

Visualizing an urban simulation of free-agents affected by a specific intervention The Objective The objective of the project was to simulate the movement of people within a specific neighborhood in the city of Viladecans, Spain, and visualize the difference the movement patterns of the free agents would take prior to the intervention vs post intervention. … Read more

Urbanization and gene pools: A simulation study

The persistent expansion of urbanization poses a significant threat to wildlife populations. One under-explored facet of this impact concerns the genetic health of these populations. Genetic diversity, measured by the variation within a gene pool, is crucial for resilience and adaptation. This project utilizes Grashopper-led simulations to explore the dynamics between habitat fragmentation, animal movement, … Read more

Sensemaking Through Humanitarian Data

THE GAZA STRIP CONFLICT Since October 7th, we have been witnesses to the atrocities of the humanitarian crisis and genocide in Gaza. Over 32,000 Palestinian people have been killed, and another 74,000 reportedly injured to date.  About 70 per cent of those killed are reported to be women and children. The population of Gaza consists of … Read more

Tracking Cross-Border Monetary Flows to measure Geopolitical Insecurity

Creating a streamlined pipeline to visualize and extrapolate financial data enabling a correlation with spatial geo-specific information. The World and all countries alike have been increasingly more susceptible to events and developments in the geo-political theatre. It is not surprising that the world’s top two economic and military superpowers play a pivotal role in this … Read more

Theories of the Urban_II

Questioning the rhetoric. The brief In the epoch of the Anthropocene, characterized by humanity’s profound impact on the Earth’s geology and ecosystems, the discourse surrounding resilience to climate change has become increasingly prominent. As societies grapple with the consequences of human-induced environmental transformations, there is a growing recognition of the need to question and analyze … Read more

Theories of the Urban (II)

Critical urban theory This research explored the dynamic relationship between urban landscapes, architectural design, and technological evolution, particularly within the context of the Anthropocene epoch and rapid technological progress. Drawing from a diverse array of urban theory frameworks, the study sought to unravel the complex interconnections shaping contemporary cities. Employing advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques, a … Read more

Ideals Along Lines of Conflict

The killing of Nahel Merzouk was not an accident. The 17-year-old French Algerian boy was killed where the potential for conflict is high, in Nanterre. A young Muslim in a yellow Mercedes along the western Champs-Élysées unfortunately made Nahel a prime candidate for police violence resulting in death. His death brought about a week of … Read more

Reimagining the Barcelona Tourist Experience

In this project I tackled the challenge of reimagining the way tourists navigate through Barcelona’s bustling streets, particularly the crowded paths that define their city experience. Starting with a pedestrian simulation tool, I was able to map out the most commonly walked tourist routes (from Casa Punxes to Casa Batllo). This allowed me to then … Read more

Confronting Forms of Erasure

History is not always written in neat paragraphs and grand monuments. Sometimes, the most important stories are the ones left untold. The ones silenced, forgotten, or deliberately erased. In 1994, over a period of 100 days, the Rwandan genocide took place. Hutu extremists; fueled by ethnic hatred and political manipulation, sought to eradicate the Tutsi … Read more

The Climate Paradox

COP is a climate conference that aims to cut emissions but paradoxically boost carbon footprints due to increased transport and attendance. This situation offers host cities a chance to engage in greenwashing, presenting a façade of environmental responsibility. This underscores the intricate challenges involved in realizing true sustainability during major events, highlighting the need for … Read more

Rethinking Urban Life

Islandisation a strategy, that seeks disengagement from interconnected networks. With contextual roots in historical urbanization, islandisation signifies a new era of Anthropocene coastal adaptation, divergent from traditional resilience strategies. It serves as a protective shield, selectively severing detrimental ties while upholding others. Resilience is a concept mobilized in urban studies,shaped by sociopolitical forces, and harnessed … Read more

Darien: Closing the data Gap

Imagine a massive highway stretching from Alaska all the way down to the tip of Argentina. That’s almost possible through the Pan-American Highway, except for one crucial interruption: the Darien Gap. The Darien Gap is a sprawling, dense jungle separating Panama and Colombia, an obstacle that breaks the otherwise continuous highway. But the Gap isn’t … Read more

Flows and Barriers

Understanding the way pedestrians move through space is a task of heavy importance in the design and analysis of public space. It is fundamental to understand the motivations and utilities that influence the way pedestrians move through space. In cities such as Bogota, Colombia, heavy car-centered infrastructure has fragmented the city into clusters that limit … Read more

Hyperenergetic Viladecans

By 2100, the global temperature is forecasted to increase from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius due the effects of Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Human Activities. The City of Viladecans has developed a Vision by 2030 which expects the city to become EMISSIONS NEUTRAL, and EMISSIONS NEGATIVE by 2050. For approaching this goal, HYPENERGETIC VILADECANS establishes … Read more

Theories of the Urban (II)

Drawing on various urban theory perspectives, this study delved into the intricate interplay among cities, design, and technology, particularly during the Anthropocene era and amidst technological advancements. A specialized vocabulary was extract from various readings and visually represented through Artificial Intelligence support, aiming to provoke thought in the observer. Several cityscapes were artistically modified, integrating … Read more


Why do cops love donuts? It’s not just a stereotype; it’s a doughlicious partnership! Late-night stakeouts meet sugary delights – the real crime is resisting those sprinkles! ????? METHODOLOGY Overlapping data and creating buffers to identify other layers of information to inform the system back again trying to prove the stereotype of media trope of … Read more