Vista del área de estudio.

Los impactos del cambio climático cada vez muestran panoramas más críticos, principalmente con las ciudades costeras por el incremento del nivel medio del mar (sin descartar las otras afectaciones en otros territorios por las sequías). Este panorama hará que muchas zonas costeras requieran de una mayor (o real) sensibilización, estrategias e intervenciones para mitigar y … Read more


La irrupción en la trama urbana consolidada de Montevideo por la rehabilitación de una infraestructura ferroviaria, principalmente de carga caída en desuso, comienza a generar fuertes impactos en las dinámicas urbanas existentes. Haciendo del problema una oportunidad, esta nueva barrera es tomada como excusa para repensar nuevas formas de dinamizar y reconectar la ciudad a … Read more

Puerto Rico – population and landscape relation

The idea of combining population density and terrain relief allows to represent connectivity of most relevant settlement areas for future urban and rural building development. The choice of Puerto Rico land was made because of relatively compact territory for this software as well as its pronounced mountain ranges. Today’s migration sprawl challenge is well-known and … Read more

Context aware AM: Research Thesis

This research thesis seeks for an opportunity to introduce specific human actions in the additive manufacturing robotic process to generate custom and adaptive fabrication flows based on local needs and conditions and set in a cyber-physical working environment that will scan and verify the results before and after every intervention. 1. Framework According to UN, … Read more

Hidrología Inteligente

¿Como afectará el Cambio Climático al ciclo del agua? El mundo evoluciona a pasos acelerados, tanto en progreso tecnológico, como en presión por parte de la naturaleza. La agenda del cambio climático corre de manera inversa al avance de las ciudades, y se hace una necesidad prever los escenarios que estos traerán a los lugares … Read more

Advance Technology: Context aware AM

The goal of this project is to present a Case Study about an adaptive additive manufacturing toolpath with a robotic arm. The process of printing sometimes brings variations or corrections on its way. The experiment seeks to 3d print a cylinder in clay where in the middle of the process, two pieces of PVC pipe … Read more

Open Nature | Font del Gos

Public spaces in the city of Barcelona play a vital role in the daily lives of its citizens. But often there is a clear boundary seen between the urban and the peri-urban forests of the city. The project approaches the site of Font Del Gos as a transitory space between the city of Barcelona and … Read more

Twisting into Shape

What do you get if you combine an umbrella with a funnel? A Fumbrella of course! Combining the idea of using an umbrella coupled with a water collecting funnel to create a Fumbrella. This new urban infrastructure is parametric in that it opens and closes according to both solar radiation and rainfall. It is well … Read more

Advanced circularity: Transformative thinking toward design conception

Circularity is a concept related to circular economy, as a model of production and consumption of extended life cycles, this involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products implying waste reduction. The circular model uses materials in a cyclical chain of valuing natural resources at all production stages, it aims to … Read more

Food Playground

In the Introductory Studio G3: The Workspace of the Future, our group designed for a given client, Heura Foods, in a given site, Nova Bocana. Our design ideas were generated from the current missions of the company. The design proposal was not only a workspace for the employees, but a food playground for the community. … Read more

Distrito Hídrico Mataderos

El mercado de hacienda vacuna fue el equipamiento que fundó e identificó el barrio por 120 años, hasta que en 2022 fue trasladado a 65 km por una ley que prohíbe ganado vivo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.Por falta de mantenimiento hidráulico se suelen producir inundaciones, y la desactivación industrial generó un deterioro en … Read more

Rigidity Via Geometry: Embedding Structural Intelligence within 3D Printed Vaulted Structures

Rigidity: The extent to which an element is able to resist deformation or deflection  under the action of an applied force. Abstract Architectural history contains numerous examples of vaulted  structures built using a variety of design techniques and a range of materials, to serve or host different functions. One recurring function is the role of … Read more

Adaptive Support System: Retraction Control in Arched Vaults

Nader Akoum Architecture 3d Printing Earth

Support & scaffolding during consolidation of clay printing are quintessential to push the boundaries and capabilities of earthen architecture because, with said added support, opportunities for large spans, high arches, aggregated arches, and other structural phenomena arise. The options invented over time are diverse and, regardless of the used material, they can be very insightful … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more

Interactive Lights 

Concept The aim of the project is to develop as lighting system that will be responsive and interactive to its surrounding people’s movements. And to make that happen, I have used the ultrasonic sensor as a proximity sensor to measure the distance of people and their movements. As a next step of this project, we … Read more


Sunfollower is a project inspired by the movement of sunflowers.  Solar panels are normally positioned towards the cardinal point with the greatest solar incidence, but throughout the day a lot of energy is lost by this fixed positioning. The idea is to create a public installation, a mixture of a public lamppost, with benches where … Read more


Adaptive facade

CONCEPT The system consists in creating a facade that moves according to the sunlight. The components of the facade turn with the effect of a motor that is activated according to the environment. An example of an application would be a building in the shape of a bar, having wider sides with east and west … Read more

City in Transition

The workshop led by Felipe Vera and Camila Arretche explored the possible interrelation between human migration, informal settlements, and future climate change in the domain of Latin America. Building over the premise based on an increase in forced human migration would lead to the rise or stem of new informal settlements. It could induce an … Read more