Introducing the Mobility Footprint, an interactive dashboard designed to promote awareness about mobility in urban environments and its impact on CO2 emissions. By selecting your typical mode of transportation and choosing from eight pre-determined destinations, the dashboard will provide you with a recommended route, estimated travel time, and the CO2 emissions associated with your selected … Read more

Mumbai Dabbawala

Do you nip out to get your lunch from your favourite café, or perhaps use the Uber Eats app to get your lunch delivered to your office? In India, lunch is a whole different ball game. It’s people-powered – made at home that morning and delivered straight to you, all absent of any technology in time. … Read more

Digital space infrastructures

This is a short visual story about my personal digital space usage patterns and our need to be aware of our digital carbon footprint. Tracking my personal habits has revealed some shocking facts, which led towards reflecting on intangibility of the digital world, hopelessness in perceiving it as a hyper object and an urge to … Read more

Party to live or live to party?

a story about Spanish festivals Does it possible to party all year long from festival to festival throughout Spain? The story starts from the New Year holiday at the 1st of January For the better clusterisation we will use administrative division of Spain in autonomous communities (comunidades) and provinces. Each province of Spain has its … Read more

London’s Urban Micro-Facilities

A Story of a Beloved Design This is a story of a one-of-a-kind creation in history, the British Red Telephone Box, which soon after its implementation in 1921 became a symbol of british culture and identity, an inseparable part of the nation’s and, more specifically of London’s urban landscape. Successful designs can be timeless, resonating … Read more


An Exploration of the Epidemic of Femicide “How many more women must fall victims before we recognize that femicide is a real and pressing social problem that demands our attention? Despite its significance, many people are still unfamiliar with the term. Femicide is the ‘the intentional killing of a woman because of her gender‘. It … Read more

Pets in Barcelona

Pets in Barcelona

I introduce to you my family in Barcelona? Helena, Her daughter Lua, Monica & Roger, me, long hair Japanese,And  We have a Catalan young brother….. My Catalan young brother “Umi” ! I often see dogs around Barcelona,?But  I can’t see stray cats and dogs. In the city area. What population is the most animal pets … Read more

The Geography of Substance Use.

A Visual Story by: According to World Health Organization, 1/5 adolescents engage in some form of substance use. The Question of 100 School Phycologists: How planning could contribute towards the understanding of geographic patterns of substance use in order to distribute human resources all around the country? This visual story, seeks to explore the geographical … Read more

Spidey Sensor

During this Hardware seminar, we were able to understand different types of sensors used in robotics and the techniques used to process the collected data. The aim of the seminar is to use the sensors to understand the environment and then expect the robot to take decisions (automation) and carry a specific task (actuation). For … Read more

THE NEST | Advanced Digital Tools

THERMAL QUESTIONS: Q1. Having studied the sun path diagram, it is observed that there are low sun angles in the east and the west throughout the year. How can thermal heat gain be prevented from the east and the west direction? – To prevent the heat gain from the lower angle of the sun from … Read more

Stickers in Barcelona, el Gotico

Objective The objective of the project is to create a database of stickers located in the district of Gotico, Barcelona by collecting geolocated photos, analyzing & sorting them by machine learning and further research to then create a framework for evaluating and improving local economy, artists and political movements marketing strategies. Strategy By collecting geolocated … Read more

Dislocating Creativity

“A Data-Driven Approach to Balancing Creative Class Development and Social Equity in Barcelona” The creative industries have been acknowledged as one of the most important sectors for economic growth and development in current cities worldwide. This sector represents a space of culture where all artistic and creative expression that pro-actively enters into dialogue with new … Read more

Health of the over-aging population

Ageing population is increasing around the world, many of the European countries and Japan, . The above graph shows the number of the population 65 years old and over people in World. In 2019, the total aged population was  703 million people and the projected population suggests that in 2050, it will be over 1050 … Read more

Rethinking Industrial Clusters Policies

MOBILITY By selecting the municipalities along the industry belt, we identify the differences about mobility pattern. Commuting people are coming by over half an hour’s trip to work in weekday, but the number of people declines in the weekend.


Aim Fiducial Markers Aruco fiducial markers were used for object detection and localization. Fiducial markers are black and white markers that can be detected and identified by computer vision algorithms, making them useful in a variety of applications. Here are some of the benefits of using Aruco fiducial markers: Localization & Mapping Workflow Node Graph … Read more


real-time autonomous object detection The project “RTAOD” in the workshop 2.1 was developed to navigate and localize a robot autonomously through room and create a map of the scanned area. In the meantime it collects data of detected objects and counts the quantity of them. Required tools This project got realized by the Software “ROS … Read more