The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.

NYC taxi trip duration prediction

The data used to prediction is the New York City taxi data from January, 2016 to June, 2016 and New York City weather data from the same time duration. The taxi data has features about pickup time detailed to seconds. Considering the traffic condition could be affected by weekday and hour, so I deconstructed the … Read more

2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip

The source dataset provided for this project is derived from the 2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip records, which were made publicly available on the Big Query platform of the Google Cloud. The data was originally collected and published by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). This dataset serves as the foundation for … Read more

New York City Taxi Trip Duration

INTRODUCTION The competition is based on the 2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip record dataset. The challenge is to build a model that predicts trip duration for New York City taxis using machine learning. The dataset includes pickup time, geo-coordinates, number of passengers, and several other variables. Based on individual trip attributes, a code was written … Read more

1st Traditional IAAC MaCT ML Competition

#Objective #A Kaggle Competition to MaCT01 students to show their knowledge, designing an end-to-end machine learning project to predict the “Trip Duration” of NYC Taxi trips. #Workflow #First of all a workflow hast do be developed, which represents a classic approach for training machine learning models, analysing the provided training data provided by the submission, … Read more

NYC Cab Trip Duration Prediction

The aim of the project is to predict trip duration, using 2016 NYC YELLOW CAB TRIP DATA. Structuring the dataset The analysis begins with outlier identification. The passenger_count variable has two outliers: 0 and 9, which compared to the amount of people allowed by the NY Limousine law, is impossible. Also, there were some pickup … Read more

Meteo sanctum

The project reflects on how people in ancient times defined natural and weather phenomena. The proposal is to create an open public space – Inspired by the concept of an ancient sanctuary with places that used to be built for worship and predictions of weather conditions, the Meteo Sanctum consists of digital indicators that allow … Read more

Barcelona Cloud

Mixed use pavilion with dominant cultural function. Cultural venue Barcelona Cloud.   Envisioned constraints: not less than 1/10 for public spaces on the North and South, permeable transit corridors the ground level for large groups of pedestrians, solar envelope by summer solstice and average height of neighborhood buildings restrict height and shape the shadowing canopy, trees … Read more

Bio-Digital Paths

“Bio-Digital Path” is a computational model of modular public spaces generated from emerging public movements within the existing urban fabric of Barcelona.  Global challenges consist of both environmental threats, but also social challenges and this project suggests that planners and architects actually have the tools to construct the public space not as a separate but … Read more

Smoking portrait of a city

The smoking process is tricky because people don’t seem to quit.. How highly is it integrated in our life? Or In a life of a city? May the city be our major tobacco dealer? Or it’s not that simple. Part 1 – Human relation Part 2 – City relation Common factors that can influence smoking rates … Read more

Mumbai Dabbawala

Do you nip out to get your lunch from your favourite café, or perhaps use the Uber Eats app to get your lunch delivered to your office? In India, lunch is a whole different ball game. It’s people-powered – made at home that morning and delivered straight to you, all absent of any technology in time. … Read more

Made With Love

The first Chinese immigrants took some essential spices in Chinese cuisine to the USA. But the sense of taste is so different from Chinese food to European food. For example, after a long journey from China to the USA, the spicy Kongbao Chicken was changed to a sweet and sour Zuo Zongtang Chicken, probably the … Read more

Digital space infrastructures

This is a short visual story about my personal digital space usage patterns and our need to be aware of our digital carbon footprint. Tracking my personal habits has revealed some shocking facts, which led towards reflecting on intangibility of the digital world, hopelessness in perceiving it as a hyper object and an urge to … Read more

Party to live or live to party?

a story about Spanish festivals Does it possible to party all year long from festival to festival throughout Spain? The story starts from the New Year holiday at the 1st of January For the better clusterisation we will use administrative division of Spain in autonomous communities (comunidades) and provinces. Each province of Spain has its … Read more