SCALE by Geoffrey West | Ecological Thinking

Exploring the Fundamentals of Scaling Laws with Geoffrey West’s Scale Geoffrey West’s book, Scale, explores the fundamental principles that govern complex systems in the naturalworld, including organisms, ecosystems, cities, and companies. The book argues that these systems exhibit predictable patterns of behaviour as they grow and scale, which can be explained by a few simple … Read more

Public Pulse

PROBLEM A lack of activities and engagement in certain streets can lead to a decrease in their vibrancy and vitality. This can manifest in empty streets, dilapidated buildings, and a dearth of social and cultural events. Over time, these areas may become less desirable places to live or visit, perpetuating the cycle of neglect and … Read more

Mumbai Dabbawala

Do you nip out to get your lunch from your favourite café, or perhaps use the Uber Eats app to get your lunch delivered to your office? In India, lunch is a whole different ball game. It’s people-powered – made at home that morning and delivered straight to you, all absent of any technology in time. … Read more

Digital space infrastructures

This is a short visual story about my personal digital space usage patterns and our need to be aware of our digital carbon footprint. Tracking my personal habits has revealed some shocking facts, which led towards reflecting on intangibility of the digital world, hopelessness in perceiving it as a hyper object and an urge to … Read more

Party to live or live to party?

a story about Spanish festivals Does it possible to party all year long from festival to festival throughout Spain? The story starts from the New Year holiday at the 1st of January For the better clusterisation we will use administrative division of Spain in autonomous communities (comunidades) and provinces. Each province of Spain has its … Read more

The Geography of Substance Use.

A Visual Story by: According to World Health Organization, 1/5 adolescents engage in some form of substance use. The Question of 100 School Phycologists: How planning could contribute towards the understanding of geographic patterns of substance use in order to distribute human resources all around the country? This visual story, seeks to explore the geographical … Read more

A Policy for Digital Carbon Footprint, Barcelona

Every single search query, every streamed song or video and every email sent, billions of times over all around the world – it all adds up to an ever-increasing global demand for electricity, and to rising CO2 emissions too. Our increasing reliance on digital tools has an environmental impact that’s becoming increasingly harder to ignore. … Read more

Urban Loneliness in FAST-GROWING Cities

Austin, a Lonely City Context Over the last decade, Austin’s status as a state-of-art technology hub along with its high concentration of venture apital, warm climate and vibrant cultural offerings has set the Texan city as the 2nd faster-growing U.S. city in 2022, only after San Francisco. But paradoxically , urban loneliness reflects as one … Read more

Decarbonization of Housing Stock in EU

Buildings are an intrinsic part of our lives, where we spend most of our time and unfold as human beings. However, through its different forms, the built environment is responsible for the majority of our energy consumption (around 40 %) and a primary source of greenhouse emissions GHG (around 36 %) (Anderson et al., 2015).  … Read more

Internet of ME

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more


DIGISCAPES ver 1.0 is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

The Air we Breathe

An analysis of the correlation between population and air quality in the districts of Barcelona. The air quality in urban areas have rapidly declined over the years. In the process of economic development, air pollution has become a significant health hazard. This project analyses the relationship between population density and air quality levels in Barcelona. … Read more

The Wild Deal

ABSTRACT Urban Rights is a term which has been coined by the philosopher Henri Lefebvre (Lefebvre, 1967)  and further explored by David Harvey (Harvey, 2003). It is a concept of a collective right to change the city and shape the process of urbanization. Thus, the right to the city does not merely address what the … Read more

Deaths from air pollution in Central Europe

Air pollution- the combination of outdoor and indoor particulate matter, and ozone– causes more than 7 million deaths each year (World Health Organisation) and it is considered to be one of the world’s largest health and environmental problems. The same data shows that 99% of the world population currently live in places with air quality … Read more

Healthcare BCN

Understanding and analysing the existing Healthcare system of Barcelona with the help of open datasets available. This further helps us to understand the robustness, need and requirement to fill the gaps in the system if any with respect to their typologies and location as per districts Step 1: Documenting the distribution of different types of … Read more