Furnish Kids 2.0

The Furnish Kids program aims to improve public space through design interventions of tactical architecture. The design for this term has been developed to utilize natural materials such as Pine logs unused for previous Valldaura Labs projects and offcuts from wooden plan production. The materials have been cataloged, measured, and scanned for improved digital modeling. … Read more


Synergism is the interaction and cooperation of two or more organizations, agents, or groups of people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their own. After analyzing how the city of Damascus has evolved over time, we saw how the city started slowly growing away from the Eastern inhabitable agricultural lands closer … Read more

Open Nature | [WOOD]LE | Digital Tools

The project ‘[Wood]le’ – a ‘Wooden Noodle’ explores the idea of steam-bending tree logs to create a self stable structure. The Woodle assumes the function of a seating area as it rests on the ground at one end and folds up to become an element that frames the valley of Font Del Gos on the … Read more

Digital tools for Environmental Analysis

The project is located in Shanghai, China. The first is the basic climate analysis of Shanghai. The warmest month in Shanghai are 06,07,08, the coldest three months are 12,01,02. According to the UTCI comfort analysis, the outdoor environment is relatively uncomfortable in summer and winter. According to the analysis of the wind environment, wind direction … Read more

A Reflection on Tools for Environmental Analysis

The aim of this blogpost is to summarize the tasks and tools practiced during the course of the S1 Seminar: Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis and reflect on the overall learnings, advantages and disadvantages of each. During the course of the semester, I have explore tools for analysis and optimization of elements related to sun, … Read more

Program And Ranging Aggregations

Used in this project: Main: Rhino3D, Grasshopper3D, Grasshopper Plugins: Wasp, Elk, Ladybug3D Context: OpenStreetMaps / GeofabrikMaps: policymap.com, strava heatmaps, Urban3, Connect Dallas (2021), 2011 Dallas Bike Plan, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) aei.orgState of the Art Precedents: Block’hood by Jose Sanchez, Habitat 67′ by Moshe Safdie, VM by BIG + JDS Introduction Our project is located … Read more

RE:EDU: architecture for emergency

As a target country for  our project we selected Ukraine, the biggest European country that is located in the eastern part. Ukraine has 1000 years of history, during which it has been fighting for freedom and identity. In 2013 in Kyiv students started the protest, which evolved into the revolution of dignity, after the president … Read more

Climate Canopy

A new mobility hub for Green square station, Sydney, Australia Climate Canopy is a project about improving the qualities of Green Square station in Sydney, Australia. The Climate Canopy is an open-air timber grid shell creates an urban landmark by framing a new entrance to the station, without interfering with movement and wayfinding. The canopy … Read more


SITE ANALYSIS l TRIPOLI Known as the capital of the North, Tripoli is Lebanon’s second largest city: from a regional trade capital for the past centuries, the city is nowadays the most impoverished of Lebanon and on the Mediterranean. The city has been scared by the violent clashes and conflict over the past 40 years … Read more

Environmental Responsive School

Introduction  As my final submission, I decided to create an environmental school in response to the urban environment. A project that harnesses the mass of the building in a way to enhance spaces for a variety of purposes is the idea behind the design.  As a starting point for architectural massing, very basic elements are … Read more

A Test Model for Environmental Design

Introduction Professor Ivan Sutherland at the University of Utah supervised several doctoral students in the 1970’s and 1980’s who later created many of the biggest leaps in computer graphics. These include Ed Catmull who founded Pixar and developed Catmull-Clark Subdivision, Alan Kay who worked on the first graphical user interfaces and the first laptop, Jim … Read more

Urban Envelope

The project’s land plot is located in a dense high-rise populated area in Vancouver, Canada. Thus, an idea for an urban vertical park emerges from the limitation of space and the parallel increased need for vegetation. Initially the climate analysis for Vancouver Canada commenced with an in depth identification of the coldest and warmest months … Read more

Nested Flocks

What if our design follows the trails of flocks? The #flockingbehaviour guides the circulation paths nested inside the environmentally responsive shell. An investigation of #optimization with #grasshopper#houdini#culebragh#biomorpher and render with #unrealengine.

Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more

Advanced Digital Tools for Open Nature | Mil Ramas

Through the classes of this course, we practised and learned how to apply the parametric software Grasshopper as well as associated plug-ins into our computational designs. We implemented what we learned in our studio projects in order to comprehend it in real-time. Since our project did not require any direct fabrication through 3d software, we … Read more

MoVA: Museum of Vulnerable Animals

Concept MoVa is a project for a museum located in the crater of Lago Grande in Pozzuoli, near Naples. The museum has the purpose of raising awareness towards the extinction of species. The project’s inspiration came from a new in 2020 when a blue shark was seen in the port of Pozzuoli. This event is … Read more

“Are you Happy?”

Data visualization “World Happiness Report up to 2022” “Are you Happy?”“Yes! I am!!” You may answer immediately,  But I don’t answer like you.Of course,  I’m not unhappy but, “Happy??” Why don’t I say Yes? Is this due to national character? If I compare each country on the map, I may know some hints. Data quote:  Kaggle “World Happiness … Read more

Oddly Satisfying… Print and Cut

Aim Develop prefabricated and post-processed 3D printed clay modules for self-supporting surfaces Context What could we learn from a study of Gaudi’s ceiling in Casa Batllo? This was the jumping off point of this studio. Responding to a requirement to choose an element of an Art Nouveau/Modernisme building – an opening, arch, or surface – … Read more

The Scenic Route

Finding the greenest bicycle path that connects all the parks in Barcelona The shortest walk connecting all the parks was computed based on the road map. The existing bicycle lane does not connect all the parks in Barcelona. Hence, a second shortest path was created by pulling points from the road map to the bicycle … Read more

The Green Ally

In Spain, there is an urban myth, according to which – The country was once so thickly forested that a squirrel could cross the peninsula hopping from tree to tree. -However, this condition has changed throughout the years, both in terms of the natural environment and the existence of squirrels in Spain. The case study … Read more

City of Proximities: Public Markets in Madrid

Madrid Public Markets SystemThe toolkit for municipalities, food delivery platforms and local residents 1/ Overall PerspectiveA first overview of the city of Madrid, throughout its administrative districts, their socio-demographics variables, the location of 46 municipal markets and the proximity patterns between them. 2/ Markets Around the Clock To allow citizens to engage with the markets … Read more

The Wild Deal

ABSTRACT Urban Rights is a term which has been coined by the philosopher Henri Lefebvre (Lefebvre, 1967)  and further explored by David Harvey (Harvey, 2003). It is a concept of a collective right to change the city and shape the process of urbanization. Thus, the right to the city does not merely address what the … Read more