1st Traditional IAAC MaCT ML Competition

#Objective #A Kaggle Competition to MaCT01 students to show their knowledge, designing an end-to-end machine learning project to predict the “Trip Duration” of NYC Taxi trips. #Workflow #First of all a workflow hast do be developed, which represents a classic approach for training machine learning models, analysing the provided training data provided by the submission, … Read more


The Core challenges of urban childhood As cities grow and develop, there is often a lack of safe and child-friendly spaces for children to play, walk or bike alone. The increase in traffic and air pollution makes it challenging and unsafe for children to travel on foot or by bicycle. Crime and social fear also … Read more


Introducing the Mobility Footprint, an interactive dashboard designed to promote awareness about mobility in urban environments and its impact on CO2 emissions. By selecting your typical mode of transportation and choosing from eight pre-determined destinations, the dashboard will provide you with a recommended route, estimated travel time, and the CO2 emissions associated with your selected … Read more

Mumbai Dabbawala

Do you nip out to get your lunch from your favourite café, or perhaps use the Uber Eats app to get your lunch delivered to your office? In India, lunch is a whole different ball game. It’s people-powered – made at home that morning and delivered straight to you, all absent of any technology in time. … Read more

Rethinking Industrial Clusters Policies

MOBILITY By selecting the municipalities along the industry belt, we identify the differences about mobility pattern. Commuting people are coming by over half an hour’s trip to work in weekday, but the number of people declines in the weekend.

From Scans to Mesh: Exploring ROS and MoveIt

During the seminar, we explored the core concepts of ROS (Robotic Operating System), its vital tools, and the seamless integration of Python for interacting with robots. With this integration, we effortlessly processed sensor data and exercised control over the UR10e robot, which served as our platform for the seminar. Through practical exercises, we gained hands-on … Read more


real-time autonomous object detection The project “RTAOD” in the workshop 2.1 was developed to navigate and localize a robot autonomously through room and create a map of the scanned area. In the meantime it collects data of detected objects and counts the quantity of them. Required tools This project got realized by the Software “ROS … Read more

Climate Canopy

A new mobility hub for Green square station, Sydney, Australia Climate Canopy is a project about improving the qualities of Green Square station in Sydney, Australia. The Climate Canopy is an open-air timber grid shell creates an urban landmark by framing a new entrance to the station, without interfering with movement and wayfinding. The canopy … Read more

Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more

MoVA: Museum of Vulnerable Animals

Concept MoVa is a project for a museum located in the crater of Lago Grande in Pozzuoli, near Naples. The museum has the purpose of raising awareness towards the extinction of species. The project’s inspiration came from a new in 2020 when a blue shark was seen in the port of Pozzuoli. This event is … Read more

The Scenic Route

Finding the greenest bicycle path that connects all the parks in Barcelona The shortest walk connecting all the parks was computed based on the road map. The existing bicycle lane does not connect all the parks in Barcelona. Hence, a second shortest path was created by pulling points from the road map to the bicycle … Read more


La irrupción en la trama urbana consolidada de Montevideo por la rehabilitación de una infraestructura ferroviaria, principalmente de carga caída en desuso, comienza a generar fuertes impactos en las dinámicas urbanas existentes. Haciendo del problema una oportunidad, esta nueva barrera es tomada como excusa para repensar nuevas formas de dinamizar y reconectar la ciudad a … Read more

Urban Data Visualisation – Barcelona and Brazil

The aim of this studio was to explore the design opportunities arising from three common digital fabrication processes: Laser Cutting, CNC milling and 3D Printing. These exercises were supported by an interactive exploration of each technology and material, while also understanding conceptual and prototyping process of design. 1. Laser Cutting The first digital fabrication exercise … Read more