
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A. La palabra “digestible o digerible” viene del latín digestibilis y significa “que se puede transformar materia a sustancias necesarias para la vida”  el prefijo di- (divergencia, separación múltiple), gestus (hecho, llevado a cabo), más el sufijo -ible (que puede o hace). Contexto: Quetzaltenango es uno de los 22 municipios de Guatemala que … Read more

Urban Data Visualisation – Barcelona and Brazil

The aim of this studio was to explore the design opportunities arising from three common digital fabrication processes: Laser Cutting, CNC milling and 3D Printing. These exercises were supported by an interactive exploration of each technology and material, while also understanding conceptual and prototyping process of design. 1. Laser Cutting The first digital fabrication exercise … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more


HANDS OVER BEIRUT Beirut Blast impact assessment visualization Neighborhood: Mar Mikhael (Beirut port)/ Gemmayze – Bashoura – Ashrafieh The Area chosen has received the most impact and visualization of the plot of land where buildings got damaged but on a different scale is relevant to understand the shock wave repartition. To physically be able to … Read more

Streets for People: La Barceloneta

La Barceloneta is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Barcelona. This old fishermen’s neighborhood forms an inseparable entity with the beach of the same name and is synonymous with a lot of charm, food gastronomy, old traditional pubs and a very lively atmosphere. The aim of the proposal is to identify the streets that … Read more

growing sidewalks

Poblenou, Barcelona The project focused on a specific site in the district of Poblenou, which has been identified as the one who has the most problematic street conditions. Traffic accidents, asphalt, no liveability and no safety. “Growing sidewalks” proposes a design strategy to change this, projecting into the needs of the future. Site overview and … Read more

Adventure in Tokyo Rivers

Intro What’s your first impression of Tokyo?  A lot of people would say skyscrapers, high-technology, cherry blossoms, etc. When we search for pictures of Tokyo, we can see high-rise buildings filling the city horizontally. This could give people the impression that Tokyo is flat. However, Tokyo is a city with a lot of hills. We … Read more

Benidorm 360

A new ecosystem for a global tourism destination Benidorm, Alicante The city of Benidorm is the most renowned mass tourism destination on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It has been recently acknowledged as a sustainable urban development to support the mass-tourism industry; however, Benidorm had received strong criticism during many years, mainly because of its striking … Read more


Cities face complex challenges, amplified by the unparalleled urban growth testing traditional municipal and regional boundaries. Cities have evolved into metropolitan regions, complicating the optimization of city services, e.g. transportation, infrastructure, and public service. The evolution of cities and their urban forms are ever-evolving in a direction that induces higher car dependency and longer commuting … Read more


Athens, Greece “Archipelago is a group of islands set in a sea that simultaneously divides and unites them” The case of the Aegean Archipelago in Greece, which consists of 1.145 islands and islets, for reasons associated with historical and geographical circumstances, represents the promise of a different urbanism.  Even in the absolute separation of the … Read more