The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Ultra-thin elements

The project Optimizing ultra-thin Concrete elements Spacing for Maximum Visual Access experiments the impact of ultra-thin concrete elements in a built space particularly in the realm of visual access. With the help of computational tools like ladybug Vision analysis its impact on Performance is evaluated. Spider webs are one of the best inspiration for various structural … Read more

Voronoi structure optimization

Based on natural phenomenon_ Topography of trabecular architecture Research Question _ Design an optimal Voronoi based building We can start with volume Then to see how to structure Fitness values parameters_ Building Elements Volume optimization_ (Semi) Lloyd’s Relaxation Since Lloyd’s algorithm require multiple iterations to achieve the most optimal position, a single iteration has been … Read more

Ode to a sunflower

hUB4 ARCHITECTS New Ways Of Living The new ways of living project aims to create a harmonious blend of indoor and outdoor living spaces , promoting biodiversity and enhancing residents well-being. each apartment features expansive terraces designed with planting spaces. each terrace space is shaded by the terrace above it to reduce heat gain while … Read more

Optimizing green spaces

Optimizing green spaces is a project that aims to spot potential areas (plazas) around the cities, that are “dry” spaces, meaning that are composed mainly by pavement, and transform them into green areas, to enhance the quality of life who lives around and who is walking by, taking in consideration how people occupy the space … Read more


“This project involves creating a second skin system optimized with Galapagos to reduce sunlight radiation in interior spaces. The design is inspired by snowflakes and their hexagonal molecular structure. Depending on sunlight, building facades are designed differently; panels are positioned and scaled based on radiation levels. Subsequently, a Voronoi pattern is applied to these panels, … Read more


slime molds a.ka. physarum Slime molds display a unique growth form characterized by efficient “hunting”  behaviour and remarkable problem-solving abilities. These organisms form intricate structures for spore production, showcasing adaptive behaviours without a centralized nervous system. Their ability to solve complex problems and optimize growth patterns in order to find nutrient sources has sparked scientific … Read more


Crystallization is a process responsible for the formation of solid structures, wherein constituent atoms or molecules are systematically arranged into a highly organized lattice, constituting a crystal.  This phenomenon can occur through various mechanisms, including precipitation from a supersaturated solution, solidification from a liquid state, and, less commonly, direct sublimation from a gaseous phase. The characteristics … Read more

Studies on Natural Flocking Behavior

A phenomenon in which self-propelled individuals, using only limited environmental information and simple rules, organize into an ordered motion. This ordering even occurs at two dimensions where ordering is not possible equilibrium systems.  Boid Movement Different Behaviors Alignment Behavior Alignment ensures that individual agents within a flock move in a consistent direction, fostering cohesive group … Read more

Snowflake Fractal Exploration

Fractal growth refers to the development or expansion of structures or patterns in a way that exhibits self-similarity at various scales.  Fractals are often characterized by intricate and complex shapes that can be created through iterative processes for efficiency and structurability. Fractal patterns assist us with research into climate change, trajectory of meteoroids, cancer research … Read more

Growth on butterfly wings.

The wings of a butterfly are membranous with veins running longitudinally from the base (where the wings are attached to the thorax) to the outer margins of the wings. The pattern and arrangement of these veins (wing venation) is an important diagnostic tool in the identification of butterflies. It is therefore important to understand the … Read more


The project aims to simlulate & understand the behaviour behind the Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis. It is an attempt to explore magnetic fields within a domain of charges, strength & decay. The project develops further into simulating the phenomena via means of particle behavior in the Earth’s Atmosphere, dissipating a gradient of colors as … Read more

Fractalization of Tree Branching

Fractals are commonly found within nature. They are self-similar structures, where one aspect of the fractal is identical to the rest. This allows it to be scaled up or down while fitting within itself. Within trees, fractalization is found in the way the branches are grown from each other, always yielding smaller and smaller versions … Read more