The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Certainly Uncertain, The MIL – Spec Fortress

Today, the earth faces two looming threats: ecological collapse from resource depletion and widespread unemployment due to automation. Although these concerns are seemingly opposites, they share a common root – inequality. Both contributing heavily to the future of labour, and humanity. The skyscraper,stands as a testament to this inequality. Its very existence codifies the power … Read more

On how lopsided pyramids might emerge

“Ready Player One,” portrays a dystopian future where ‘people stopped to try to fix problems and instead try to outlive them’. The movie plays out in an informal urban landscape of juxtaposed favela-like settlements forming organic superstructures, as well as in a virtual environment supported by a virtual reality headset. These worlds exist in symbiosis, … Read more