The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Paradox of Digital Labor: Global Connectivity and Personal Cost

“If second nature is something built by collective human labor to make a more habitable nature, “third nature” is something built by collective human endeavor to try to overcome the shortcomings of second nature.”McKenzie Wark McKenzie Wark’s concept of ‘third nature’ reveals the paradox of physical disconnection from the immediate, embodied experiences of first and … Read more

Planetary Metabolism

The Intersection of Planetary Sapience and Speculative Futures Reflections – Benjamin Bratton – ‘PLANETARY SAPIENCE’ (2021) & Gerry Canavan – ‘IF THIS GOES ON’ introduction to ‘GREEN PLANETS’ (2014) Benjamin Bratton’s 2021 essay “Planetary Sapience” advances a compelling argument for a planetary-scale reconceptualization of intelligence and agency. Central to his thesis is the notion of … Read more