The Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) seeks to train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are capable of facing our growing need for a more sustainable and optimised construction ecosystem. The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Through a mixture of seminars, workshops, and studio projects, the master programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector. It investigates how advances in robotics and digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develop processes and design tools for such new production methods.


Robotic Manifesto: Embracing Advanced manufacturing in complex architectural geometries

Introduction: In the realm of architecture, we stand at a pivotal moment where traditional construction methods struggle to meet the demands for intricate architectural forms while sustainability concerns continue to mount. As students of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction program, guided by the expertise of Mariana Popescu, we advocate for a paradigm shift … Read more

Master class manifesto

Taking inspiration from Luis Fraguada’s Masterclass at IAAC, where he shared his journey with food 3D printing, the ups and downs of running a startup, and his dive into wearables, we’ve put together our manifesto. It’s shaped by the key insights he shared, especially around business and startups, setting the direction for our collective venture … Read more

Follow Me

Aim To explore innovative parametric tiling designs through the utilization of robotic tiling setups. The project aim is to utilize the functions of  COMPAS framework and its extensions for robotic planning. Also, to incorporate computer vision and scanning information into the tiling process to enhance precision and efficiency. Design Logic Inspired by the idea of … Read more

Robotic Gaudi

AIM DESIGN The three distinct design methodologies we explored employed grayscale image mapping, where the gray areas functioned as attractors and filters for colored circles. Our second experiment focused on employing curves as generators for the spatial arrangement and packing of a variety of larger circles. The third methodology extended our exploration to the incorporation … Read more

Kangaroo follows the COMPAS

This project documents a 1-week workshop that introduced students to the COMPAS framework. Our goal was to design a tile mosaic that would be part of a collaborative pick-and-place workflow with the UR5, incorporating COMPAS Fab, Kangaroo (Grasshopper), and ROS. What is COMPAS? Utilizing the COMPAS framework developed by Gramazio Kohler Research and the larger … Read more

Natural Terracotta Air Conditioners – NTAC

Pathways to decarbonization or the dissolution of our illusions. In the midst of a scorching summer, a weary homeowner welcomed the arrival of a shiny new air conditioner, seeking respite from the oppressive heat. Grateful for the cool breeze that soon filled the living room, they savored the relief it brought. However, unbeknownst to them, … Read more


INTELLIGENT SENSING AND VISION This project aims to develop an interactive LED matrix capable of dynamically responding to real-time behaviors in its surrounding environment while ensuring versatility in its applications. By integrating sensors to detect various environmental stimuli and employing advanced data processing techniques, the LED matrix will generate dynamic visual patterns that reflect the … Read more


CONTEXT Consequences of carbon emission Building operations are responsible for approximately 27% annually, while the embodied carbon of just four building and infrastructure materials – cement, iron, steel, and aluminum – are responsible for an additional 15% annually EuropeanClimateLaw The European Climate Law writes into law the goal set out in the European Green Deal for Europe’s economy and society to become climate-neutral by 2050. The law also sets the intermediate target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Climate neutrality by 2050 means achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for EU countries as a whole, mainly by cutting emissions, investing in green technologies and protecting … Read more

Reclaim Rover

The integration of a rover or swarm of rovers into construction demolition sites represents a paradigm shift in waste management practices. Equipped with advanced sensors and AI algorithms, this rover possesses the capability to accurately identify and segregate valuable materials such as steel and metal amidst debris and rubble. These rovers operate seamlessly alongside human … Read more


The building and construction industry is currently not meeting the targets for achieving decarbonization by 2050. Heightened environmental expectations from regulators, investors, and occupants have led to an uneven business landscape.Regulatory frameworks aimed at reducing carbon emissions, such as building codes and energy efficiency standards, are becoming more stringent, further complicating the landscape for businesses. … Read more

Mycelium in Construction for Catalonia

Throughout this blog we will highlight each section and we hope to inspire others like the way we have been inspired. We will present a progressive material, then show how we get this material integrated into the construction world. Proposition “ We propose that the usage of Mycelium should be legalised in the Code for … Read more

Digital Construction Ecosystem

Revolutionizing Construction: The Oura Project’s Path to Sustainability through Digital Solutions Introduction The construction industry stands at a critical crossroads in the face of escalating global climate challenges. As a significant contributor to worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, it is imperative for this sector to undergo a transformation. The Oura Project emerges as a pioneering initiative, … Read more

Circularity on the blockchain

The construction sector is responsible for more than 35% of the waste generated in the European Union. At the same time, the materials and products used in this sector can have a life span of several decades. In the long term, having data on the origin of each material would be ideal to promote its … Read more

Serial Link

This project explores how serial data written by environmental sensors can control and influence the appearance of digital media. The outcome of Serial Link was a wearable device that incorporates a ESP32, Gyroscope, ultrasonic sensor, and a power bank that can control digital media in touch designer through network access. What is serial data?Utilizing the … Read more