IAAC’s Master in City & Technology (1 or 2-year program) is a unique program oriented towards redefining the analysis, planning, and design of twenty-first-century cities and beyond. The program offers expertise in the design of digitally enhanced, ecological and human-centered urban environments by intersecting the disciplines of urbanism and data science. Taking place in Barcelona, the capital of urbanism, the Master in City & Technology is training the professionals that city administrations, governments, industries, and communities need, to transform the urban environment in the era of big data.


Roving the Red Planet

Roving the Red Planet - Animated Infographic

A rich and ongoing history… Mars exploration missions started in the second half of the 20th century, with the first successful one being NASA’s flyby mission Mariner-Mars in 1964. Since then there has been a steady influx of many other missions throughout the years, from NASA as well as from other space agencies from around … Read more

Promised Land

Mesh representation of MIDI

Mapping America’s Genrescape Promised Land, Chuck Berry’s early representation of modern rock and roll, blurs racialized difference in genre origin, fueling the hybridization of genre categorizes, resulting in America’s current rich music tapestry. MIDI data correlated to synaesthetic representations of color is crystalized and in a dense three-dimensional mesh and place qualities are correlated to … Read more

Counting and displaying geographical information

Introduction Grasshopper, renowned for its prowess in visualization, presents a unique landscape of opportunities for those eager to dive deep into the realm of geographical information. This blog post presents the start of my journey with Grasshopper, highlighting its potential as well as the challenges and learning curves it presents. Objective: Gaining Confidence with Grasshopper … Read more

Visualization of Complex Innovation Data using Python

Innovation is a buzzword these days, and everyone seems to be talking about it. However, truly understanding it is a different ball game. Take the Global Innovation Index by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), for example. It’s a massive framework that pulls data from top-tier organizations worldwide, scoring countries on 100+ indicators. It’s a … Read more

Cities in Motion

Bogota Public Transport from GTFS

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a standardized format designed for the distribution of public transport information globally. This format facilitates the integration of public transportation systems in cities worldwide with popular route planning platforms like Citymapper, Waze, or Moovit. By doing so, it enables users to access information on transport availability and plan … Read more

Can inequality of opportunity be mapped?

An exercise in visually corelating data. Introduction The Swedish educational system is based on merit. Students have to compete for places by means of their average grades. The competition is fierce, especially in large cities such as Stockholm. This project forms an attempt to showcase a possible correlation between the median acceptance grades of schools … Read more

Navigating Inequality

Introduction Wealth disparity leads to social and economic challenges resulting in social exclusion. 21.6% of population in the EU are at risk of social exclusion. A study confirmed that 61.7% of socially excluded people tend to be segregated. Understanding the origin of the word Segregation – initially used to set sheep apart from the flock, … Read more

Decarbonization of Housing Stock in EU

Buildings are an intrinsic part of our lives, where we spend most of our time and unfold as human beings. However, through its different forms, the built environment is responsible for the majority of our energy consumption (around 40 %) and a primary source of greenhouse emissions GHG (around 36 %) (Anderson et al., 2015).  … Read more

The Air we Breathe

An analysis of the correlation between population and air quality in the districts of Barcelona. The air quality in urban areas have rapidly declined over the years. In the process of economic development, air pollution has become a significant health hazard. This project analyses the relationship between population density and air quality levels in Barcelona. … Read more

“Are you Happy?”

Data visualization “World Happiness Report up to 2022” “Are you Happy?”“Yes! I am!!” You may answer immediately,  But I don’t answer like you.Of course,  I’m not unhappy but, “Happy??” Why don’t I say Yes? Is this due to national character? If I compare each country on the map, I may know some hints. Data quote:  Kaggle “World Happiness … Read more

Hotel Llobregat

-the story of bird and human at Delta – Deltas one of the most unique and significant local biomes in Spain.They are conducive to the formation of wetlands, which in turn improve the living environment on a bigger scale. Processes in the delta. Deltas are becoming drained, polluted, noisy, and fragmented and the biome with … Read more

A good worker has good taste in food!!

Some Japanese monk said “Eat well, work hard, and sleep well. This harmony is the basis of a good spirit.”From this maximum, I assumed the cities with a good work-life balance, have many delicious restaurants. Subject goal In this class, I make the graph from the open data by Pthon. Hypothesis There are many restaurants … Read more

The Scenic Route

Finding the greenest bicycle path that connects all the parks in Barcelona The shortest walk connecting all the parks was computed based on the road map. The existing bicycle lane does not connect all the parks in Barcelona. Hence, a second shortest path was created by pulling points from the road map to the bicycle … Read more

Natural & Built Environments

Cities are ever-evolving and growing, meaning natural environments are eradicated or transformed from native biodiversity to a collection of artificial materials. This has a significant impact on all organisms, including human beings. However, both natural and built environments are fundamental for quality of life. Nevertheless, the need for balance between both in urban spaces is … Read more

Making walking and cycling safer

How safe is walking and cycling in Europe / Spain? In the European Union, cities and towns are home to 71 percent of the population and here is where most journeys begin and end. Urban centers face multiple, complex, and ever-evolving challenges, especially concerning mobility. Growing populations are encouraged to walk and cycle more because … Read more

The Green Ally

In Spain, there is an urban myth, according to which – The country was once so thickly forested that a squirrel could cross the peninsula hopping from tree to tree. -However, this condition has changed throughout the years, both in terms of the natural environment and the existence of squirrels in Spain. The case study … Read more