Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more


La irrupción en la trama urbana consolidada de Montevideo por la rehabilitación de una infraestructura ferroviaria, principalmente de carga caída en desuso, comienza a generar fuertes impactos en las dinámicas urbanas existentes. Haciendo del problema una oportunidad, esta nueva barrera es tomada como excusa para repensar nuevas formas de dinamizar y reconectar la ciudad a … Read more

Context aware AM: Research Thesis

This research thesis seeks for an opportunity to introduce specific human actions in the additive manufacturing robotic process to generate custom and adaptive fabrication flows based on local needs and conditions and set in a cyber-physical working environment that will scan and verify the results before and after every intervention. 1. Framework According to UN, … Read more

Curated Art Walk, BCN

Located in northeastern Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona has long been hailed as a European cultural capital. From its thriving art scene to its incredible architecture and world-famous gastronomy, here’s why an art and culture lover will fall head over heels for Barcelona. The intent of the whole project is to identify … Read more


During a time when the extinction of wildlife is increasing exponentially, this museum aims to raise awareness bout the impact that humans have on the biosphere. The museum starts at a nucleus where the main gallery lies, converges to a narrow strip that guides the visitor along the strip of water, and finally branches out … Read more

S.3 Aggregation space

Introduction Wildlife awareness is an extremely relevant subject of study. Wild animals and forests form part of the vital natural resources of a country and as such, all the components of forests are categorized under Wildlife. From time immemorial forest resources have been a source of human sustenance. They are home to the most amazing … Read more


THE FUTURE OF HEURA’S WORKSPACE THE GOAL of this project is to envision the future of HEURA FOODS workspace, considering existing technologies and climate change scenarios and using Barcelona’s historical building as a site for intervention. HEURA FOODS was founded in 2017 by Marc and Bernan in a co-working office in the center of Barcelona. … Read more

Bio-Inspired Structures

How can a building embody the principles of evolution? This project explores the use of cellular autonomy as a form generator. The principle of cellular autonomy allows for the creation of complex forms Video

Network of ribs as free-form space enclosing

What are the possibilities of enclosing a free-form space? The study reflects how geometry design will enhance the structural possibilities of increasing the maximum cantilevering degree of printing an enclosing surface. Applicability could be translated in printing projects above existent constructions and/or free-form developments. The research was coagulated into two distinct parts, the exploratory phase, … Read more

Rigidity Via Geometry: Embedding Structural Intelligence within 3D Printed Vaulted Structures

Rigidity: The extent to which an element is able to resist deformation or deflection  under the action of an applied force. Abstract Architectural history contains numerous examples of vaulted  structures built using a variety of design techniques and a range of materials, to serve or host different functions. One recurring function is the role of … Read more

Adaptive Support System: Retraction Control in Arched Vaults

Nader Akoum Architecture 3d Printing Earth

Support & scaffolding during consolidation of clay printing are quintessential to push the boundaries and capabilities of earthen architecture because, with said added support, opportunities for large spans, high arches, aggregated arches, and other structural phenomena arise. The options invented over time are diverse and, regardless of the used material, they can be very insightful … Read more

Topography of Tears

Laser Cutting – Material Repositories Material repositories consist of a timeline to estimate the demolition of building blocks, as an identification method for materials extraction based on the circular economy’s principles from 2022 to 2072. Choosing a study area La Dreta de L’Eixample neighborhood, we identify the buildings which can be used as material extraction … Read more


CONCEPT The concept of the project was to create a system that detects solar radiation throughout the day and adjusts the facade angle accordingly to keep the internal area of the building cool and shaded using a Photoresistor. Also, at the same time to prevent the rainwater from coming inside the building using a water … Read more


Adaptive facade

CONCEPT The system consists in creating a facade that moves according to the sunlight. The components of the facade turn with the effect of a motor that is activated according to the environment. An example of an application would be a building in the shape of a bar, having wider sides with east and west … Read more

Generative Assemblages

This project focuses on generative assemblages made out of multiple identical modules. The design of the component and the iterative logic will influence the final assemblage. At first the focus lies on the design of the component and the connection points between each of them without adding occlusion. This results in a random growth that … Read more

Assemblage I.0

Assemblage is a design strategy that depend sin its methodology on computational thinking and following an iterative logic of design to achieve a growth of an accumulative design process. The design is based on designing different building blocks that follows a voxel shaped boxes that grow based on a computational design logic of different iterations … Read more