Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.


MANIFESTO Inclusive, Productive, Sustainable Urban Hiatus is a project that centers around human scale and brings back the lost identity for the people of Poblenou. It aims towards a structure that is inclusive, productive and sustainable.The latest urban plans in Barcelona solved a lot of issues, but sometimes forgot about smaller day to day spaces … Read more


THE WIND FACILITATES The project aims to create a “breathing” facade system, which will be able to provide fresh air to both internal and external areas of the Casa Sayrach. The facade as a metabolic device which helps to tackle air pollution is based on one of the main principles – using clean energy, which … Read more


Sants is a neighbourhood located in Barcelona, and Carrer de Sants is a high street in the eponymous neighbourhood of Sants. It is the main street of the district and the longest commercial street of Europe. Our building that we have chosen, Casa Jaume Estrada is located on this lively street. Casa Jaume Estrada, Carrer de … Read more

Cocoa Temple

BRIEF It‘s hard to imagine a world without chocolate. But if current behaviors continue, cacao trees (Theobroma cacao) – the source of cacao and, ultimately, chocolate – could be extinct by mid-century. This is because cocoa, and the agricultural system that sustains it, face both human and natural threats that can be existential.The problem is … Read more

The Urban Sanctuary

Heura 2050 Heura 2050 | Urban To create a workspace as a farm, we began by designing the farms. When we looked at the existing site we are working on, we decided to relocate the ship repair buildings. The new space would be used to place our urban and floating farms. In addition, we would … Read more

Food Playground

In the Introductory Studio G3: The Workspace of the Future, our group designed for a given client, Heura Foods, in a given site, Nova Bocana. Our design ideas were generated from the current missions of the company. The design proposal was not only a workspace for the employees, but a food playground for the community. … Read more

Flight SA-3.470

How can we design for a world of increasing uncertainty despite ever growing predictive power? ACT -1 Plane taking off. Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, welcome aboard this Saudi Arabian Airlines flight from Berlin to Jeddah. Currently entering Polish airspace, our route will take us across eastern Europe, where you will … Read more

Nexus Biota

– Nexus – an important connection between the parts of a system or a group of things. – Biota – the animals and plants living in a particular place (…). —FUTURE WORK SPACE 2045— Hello! I’m Antoni, a student at IAAC in Barcelona. Enrolled in the design studio ‘The future workspace’. And here I am. … Read more

Who am I? AI?

Is AI reformulating Walter Benjamin’s notion of Aura? In the Expansive Theory course, our group is challenged to create a plot regarding the above question, with ideas and citations from bibliographies given by the faculty. Our plot happens in a metaverse gallery. Act 1 introduces opposite opinions regarding the aura of aesthetics through history. Act … Read more


Location: Passeig de gracia Building: Casa codina Architect– Antonio rovira rabassa Building program– Jewelery store + Offices Abstract The Project aims to develop a metabolic prosthetic, a throughput for the evaluated issues around Casa Codina, to provide a remedial output for the same. In the specific case, the analysis of waste generated over the course … Read more

The Seed

Montjuïc 41.361119  2.141984 Manifesto The project strives to oppose the pressing environmental and socio-economic issues of the neighborhood through civic participation and community-led activities. Furthermore, the project is planned to morph into an activity magnet that engages the community and works as an energy efficient module for sustainable ecosystems to replace the urban voids in … Read more

Domestic cloud

How to make things appropriate without appropriating them? Domesticity is generally associated with a human environment, a civilized space that, by conventionally distinguishing itself from nature, is frequently presented as being safe, ordered, intimate, controlled, private, predictable, etc.  But, the modern city was nothing more than the extraordinary invention of a disparate set of places, … Read more


Re-thinking the facade of Hotel Casa Fuster – By Lluís Domènech i Montaner The aim of the project is to develop a responsive, interactive and performative facade for Hotel Casa Fuster, thus creating an Oasis of biophilic and self-sustained architecture in the middle of the cityscape. The vision is to design a facade which uses … Read more

Distance & Light Detecting System

Abstract Using Ultrasonic sensor for detecting the distance and display the value at the LCD screen, while under certain value the Microservomotor rotates 90 degrees. Also, detecting the light by using a Light sensor, which values is being displaying to the LCD screen throw the message ‘dim’ or ‘bright’ light. BoM (Bill of materials) Code … Read more

Guests of Nile

When does the landscape become a machine? Abstract The fictional short narrative that follows develops in a construction site of Nile’s dam. It aims to analyze the relationship between host and guests, in an assumption where the Nile is the changing landscape that welcomes each species. The plot consists of three acts, the first act … Read more

The Temperamental Alarm

Project Concept The idea was to create a system that measures the surrounding temperature and humidity and then displays it on a backlight lcd screen. It also checks if the temperature is out of limits range and starts an alarm, as well as displays a warning on the screen. This system could be used in … Read more