The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


Merging with the nature

Concept For the final exercise in complex forming we were asked to developed a museum for wildlife by using one of the concepts introduced during the 1st term. We choose to work with VOXELISATON. Methodological Approach to Design and Form-Finding Our project commenced with a systematic approach, encompassing several critical stages: Pseudo Code – Structural … Read more

Wildlife Museum – an Architectural Cocoon

Spanning across an expansive natural sanctuary in Pozzuoli, Italy, the site for our study was equally challenging and interesting. The valley-like topography was crowned by a lake in the middle. The programme of imagining a wildlife museum at this site prompted us to think outside the box, to incur minimum impact on the site while … Read more

Formfinding for Wildlife museum

The concept basically underlines the spatial arrangement of the museum. The path starts from the narrow entrance, leads to the main exhibition place with wide surface area and multifloor level. Further, the exhibition space has a large opening which faces the whole structure. The computational flow starts from assigning a polyline which illustrates the flow. … Read more

Voxelization via Truncated Tetrahedrons

The design concept is born from the path of exploration, which starts at the terrain, fluctuates on the site and lake, and ends at the terrain again. Along the path, the program nodes act as attractor points to the path, and allow the user the explore the nature. The program starts with the entrance, auditorium, … Read more

Wildlife Museum

The Concept Extinction plays an important role in the evolution of life because it opens opportunities for new species to emerge. The project represents the evolution of species starting from the see, then adapting and moving inland, and later taking to the sky. Form Finding and Iterations The form is derived from the main path … Read more

Ascending Gallery

Ascending Gallery is a Wildlife conservation Museum to raise awareness about wild animal species extinction. This project is a dedicated exploration of mathematical surfaces within architecture, emphasizing their integration into natural landscapes. Set in the beautiful natural setting in Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy that served as a profound inspiration, the project delves into the intricate geometry … Read more

Wildlife Museum

The Concept Extinction plays an important role in the evolution of life because it opens opportunities for new species to emerge. The project represents the evolution of species starting from the see, then adapting and moving inland, and later taking to the sky. Form Finding and Iterations The form is derived from the main path … Read more

Inverting the Guggenheim – A wildlife museum

Drawing inspiration from our site’s location in Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy, our concept revolves around crafting a continuous journey that symbolizes history through the exhibition spaces. This approach fosters a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding context, effectively erasing the boundaries between the interior and exterior environments by bringing nature into the space. Our computational methodology can … Read more

In The Shadows

Exploration of Building Envelope under Shaded areas and connecting them to generate Final Form of Geometry, and Merge the Building form within surrounding natural environment. Design Concept – Site Design Concept Illustration – Swarm Intelligence Computational Design Workflow – Ant Algorithm Form Finding Process (Base Parameters) Form Finding Process (Swarm to Form) Form Finding Process … Read more

Wildlife Museum – Minimal Surface

Design concept and system The central theme of my design is rooted in the principles of minimal surfaces. This concept laid the foundation for our project. Aiming for a design that captures the essence of fluid dynamism, I chose to incorporate the principles of strange attractors to underpin the structure’s base. Additionally, I employed a … Read more

Parasitical colonization

Museum project Our project is a biomimicry of the parasitic growth, the parasites such as fungus has survived for millions of years, this micro-organism has the ability to take over entire organism and sometimes eco-systems such as forests and ant colonies. Parasites can grow anywhere and everywhere, they aren’t bounded by the boundaries of time … Read more

The four-lined Snake – Museum of Wildlife Conservation

IntroductionInspired from the native four-lined snake that is considered to be nearly extinct, the project’s form draws inspiration from the physiological, biological and behavioral characteristics of the snake through different stages of its life. The same will define the museum’s form and the visitor’s journey.   Project DescriptionThrough analyzing the locomotion of the snake in specific … Read more

Nature’s Weaving

Design Concept In a world where human activities have led to the extinction of many animals and the decline of nature; the decision is made to honor these species by creating a museum where the architecture is shaped by the very essence of nature. Instead of imposing architecture on the environment, we acknowledge the fact … Read more

Wildlife Museum

The site is located on the banks of the water body. We developed a design in two parts for outdoor exploration—the museum. We designed structures with trees as focal points so that they blend in with their surroundings. They are expanding on the concept of a natural sanctuary. Where humans are in jungle gym like … Read more

Fossilized Echoes – Complex Forming

Concept The Museum of Extinction (MoE) is a speculative museum dedicated to raising awareness of species extinction and broader global trends related to biodiversity lose. Located in Naples, Italy this museum will offer a contemplative and exploratory space. Visitors will engage with land, sky, and water through architectural programming while the formal narrative will treat … Read more


DESIGN CONCEPT  experiencing nature with minimizing the effect on the context. Both the path and the Façade are created through agent-based form finding methods to avoid collisions with the context (Trees, Terrain, water) through carving the design in between those elements Early explorations and lessons from failures , Using ( Quelea Plugin ) for better … Read more

Into The Wild

An (a)live museum as a stage of the wildlife-scene Design Concept – 3D Tiling Human exploit their home planet leaving less space for fauna and flora. Into the wild, a museum dedicated to the marvels of wilderness is both a shelter and a platform of experience. Volcanic fertile ground gives birth to a fluid body. … Read more

Building with strange sttractors – The Aizawa Field

Design concept and system Our topic was mathematical surfaces, so we started our project off that. We wanted to achieve a fluid and dynamic form, so we decided to combine strange attractors as a base for the building and a vector field as a facade system. Early explorations – Strange Attractors For the building form, … Read more

Digitalization – Extinction of a Physical World

Concept – Raised Voxelization The idea for this Extinction Museum is to offer a journey through nature, elevated and disconnected from the ground. The elevated and voxelated structure represents the digitalization of our current world, increasingly divorced from nature. The journey is framed to bring attention to this phenomenon by populating indoor spaces with digital … Read more

The Aural Amplifier

Nestled within the crater of Agnano in Naples, Italy, this museum lies at the base of a dormant volcano. Spanning multiple floors, the collection unfolds the captivating narrative of the native species of Naples. Our project germinates from three distinct mathematical equations: A cartesian equation that produces a Clebsch diagonal cubic surface, a parametric equation … Read more

Lago di Agnano Extinction Museum

Our concept seeks to guide people through a museum of extinctions, from ancient archaea, through the dinosaurs to the devastation of the anthropocene. Mimicking a cave, the journey elicits mythic tales of travelling to the underworld. A glass walkway guides visitors over the exhibits of fossils and taxidermied specimens. Angular forms reflect the violence of … Read more