The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis

Site & Location This project is in San Francisco, California which is located on the west coast of the United States of America. The site is in downtown area on the north-west part of the city surrounded by high-rise buildings. Climate Summary San Francisco has mild temperate climate with the temperature typically in between 5 … Read more

Digital tools for Environmental Analysis

The project is located in Shanghai, China. The first is the basic climate analysis of Shanghai. The warmest month in Shanghai are 06,07,08, the coldest three months are 12,01,02. According to the UTCI comfort analysis, the outdoor environment is relatively uncomfortable in summer and winter. According to the analysis of the wind environment, wind direction … Read more

A Reflection on Tools for Environmental Analysis

The aim of this blogpost is to summarize the tasks and tools practiced during the course of the S1 Seminar: Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis and reflect on the overall learnings, advantages and disadvantages of each. During the course of the semester, I have explore tools for analysis and optimization of elements related to sun, … Read more

Bruges, Belgium (Environmental Analysis)

Environmental Analysis should be performed on every project, although that has not been the case. Previously, it was only the largest architecture and engineering firms that could afford to have staff specialize in utilizing the manual and complex software for energy modeling and climate analysis. With the advent of Ladybug Tools more and more designers, … Read more

Environmental Responsive School

Introduction  As my final submission, I decided to create an environmental school in response to the urban environment. A project that harnesses the mass of the building in a way to enhance spaces for a variety of purposes is the idea behind the design.  As a starting point for architectural massing, very basic elements are … Read more

Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis

Environmental Analysis of Residential Building in Vancouver, Canada Site Location: White Spot Restaurant in Georgia Street, Vancouver Preliminary Concept Climate analysis via Ladybug and other plug-ins in Grasshopper. DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS To create a Daylight Analysis we can use different plug-ins in Grasshopper but one of the plug-ins that we can use is called Ladybug. We … Read more

A Test Model for Environmental Design

Introduction Professor Ivan Sutherland at the University of Utah supervised several doctoral students in the 1970’s and 1980’s who later created many of the biggest leaps in computer graphics. These include Ed Catmull who founded Pixar and developed Catmull-Clark Subdivision, Alan Kay who worked on the first graphical user interfaces and the first laptop, Jim … Read more

Urban Envelope

The project’s land plot is located in a dense high-rise populated area in Vancouver, Canada. Thus, an idea for an urban vertical park emerges from the limitation of space and the parallel increased need for vegetation. Initially the climate analysis for Vancouver Canada commenced with an in depth identification of the coldest and warmest months … Read more

Working with climatic data

This presentation is related to which kind of instruments we learned and how to use it during a project. The project that I am analayzing is located in Belfast, north Ireland. The environmental analysis show us that the city have an oceanic climate. With mild winters, cool summers. and the rains and the cover sky … Read more

Today for Tomorrow in Istanbul

The project is located in Istanbul. It is the city I dream to develop design projects in the near future. I used this chance to practice the basics of an environmentally informed design in a city where the built environment is dense, the buildings always in very close proximity and the topology is hilly. It … Read more