The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


Wildlife Museum

life Through a morphological analysis, the site vividly portrayed its lines, structure and life giving me a clear direction of how i can delicately land on it with a sustainable life museum. The existing context made me aware that the structure should occupy a minimal area on ground level in order to preserve exisiting natural … Read more

From Roots to Branches and Leaves

The name of the project is “from root to leaves and breanch”. The main concept is based on the idea to create a higth walkaway museum that have an internal space and an external part  where you can observe the nature from an higher point of view compared to the normal view. To give at … Read more

The Growth of Dead Cell

Wild Life Museum Concept According to Egyptian mythology, at the beginning of all things, there was only a vast primordial ocean personified by the goddess Noun in which was reflected the original Darkness, a sky of shadow and emptiness that has been present since time immemorial. As a result of many frictions generated by repeated … Read more


LOCATION: POZZUOLI, NAPLES, ITALY PROJECT SUBJECT: WILDLIFE MUSEUM Pozzuoli is a city and commune of the Metropolitan City of Naples, in the Italian region of Campania. It is the main city of the Phlegrean Peninsula. CONCEPT DESIGN The whole concept design is inspired by the Snake and its skin that applied to the facade of … Read more

Nested Flocks

What if our design follows the trails of flocks? The #flockingbehaviour guides the circulation paths nested inside the environmentally responsive shell. An investigation of #optimization with #grasshopper#houdini#culebragh#biomorpher and render with #unrealengine.

MoVA: Museum of Vulnerable Animals

Concept MoVa is a project for a museum located in the crater of Lago Grande in Pozzuoli, near Naples. The museum has the purpose of raising awareness towards the extinction of species. The project’s inspiration came from a new in 2020 when a blue shark was seen in the port of Pozzuoli. This event is … Read more


Data driven design is a concept that depicts the act of relaying in compiled data to resolve design issues, when data applied to design perspective is a sum of quantitative and qualitative resolutions related to project requirements. That resolution relies heavily on ability of interpretation, decision making and critical thinking of each professional. The case … Read more

Co-Existence: Wildlife Museum, Naples, Italy

Introduction Design brief required us to develop a proposal for a new Conservation Museum to raise awareness about wild animal species extinction. During my initial research I realized there are multiple reasons behind various wild species extinction like climate change, deforestation,  industrialization & overpopulation. A common theme in this has been interference of human race … Read more

Bear Museum

view of a digital computer rendering of a conceptual museum structure. main elevated structure is a group of shells above the boxy museum building shapes below, the shells have plantings to blend in with nature.

As the brief stated we were to design a Wildlife Museum (A Conservation Museum to Raise Awareness About Wild Animal Species Extinction) in the caldera where Lake Agnano exists just outside of Naples, Italy. My first impression was “wow this is such a pristine wilderness in the middle of urbanized development, how could we put … Read more

Nature diffusion

A new wildlife museum will appear in the crater Agnano, in Naples, Italy. The purpose of the museum is to raise attention to wild nature, learn about endangered species, and experience pure nature. The project aim is to create a path of experiences through the landscape and reduce the footprint to minimize the invasion. Along … Read more


During a time when the extinction of wildlife is increasing exponentially, this museum aims to raise awareness bout the impact that humans have on the biosphere. The museum starts at a nucleus where the main gallery lies, converges to a narrow strip that guides the visitor along the strip of water, and finally branches out … Read more

S.3 Aggregation space

Introduction Wildlife awareness is an extremely relevant subject of study. Wild animals and forests form part of the vital natural resources of a country and as such, all the components of forests are categorized under Wildlife. From time immemorial forest resources have been a source of human sustenance. They are home to the most amazing … Read more

Chronotope of the non-place

Aggregation-oriented, Extinction Museum, Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy. Concept The extensive environmental deterioration and the extinction of countless animal species have been attributed to the Anthropocene period, a geological epoch that represents the tremendous impact that human activity has had on the Earth’s ecosystems and climate. Anna Tsing, Heather Swanson, Elaine Gan, and Nils Bubandt explore the … Read more

LIFE TRAJECTORY_Wildlife Museum Design

Design Description: This design attempts to find interesting possibilities for architectural design through an experimental approach. Particle systems can simulate the trajectory and direction of biological activity. By artificially adding some constraints and particle behavior guidance to the site analysis, an architectural form is finally formed from the bottom up by relying on the spontaneous … Read more


Inspiration – Treehouses The project was inspired by treehouses which are generally associated with forests. The idea was to minimize the intervention of the forest as much as possible by occupying very less forest area per unit. Concept The circles have been manipulated to form a shell structure upon which fins are added to give … Read more


WILDLIFE MUSEUM FOR AGNANO CRATOR, NAPLES, ITALY This new wildlife museum has a main purpose to raise awareness about wild animal species extinction. The site is inside the picturesque Agnano crater in Naples, Italy. The crater mostly forest with a lake at the base and is used today as a place of recreation and hiking. … Read more