The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



In the realm of contemporary architecture, the exploration of vertical elements has become a captivating journey, pushing the boundaries of design and construction. This submission delves into the innovative domain of digital fabrication, where 3D printing, CNC milling, and laser cutting converge to explore possibilities for architectural facades. Inspired by the dynamic cityscape of Barcelona, … Read more


The system is designed to facilitate regular bird-watching opportunities through the observation deck. Distinguishing between average bird flights in the troposphere and migratory bird flocks in the stratosphere from the other layers of atmosphere, it focuses on capturing stratospheric and Tropospheric activity. LEDs on the observation deck signify flock distance, alerting bird watchers to arrivals … Read more

Introduction to Digital Fabrication – Functional forms

Through the 3 digital fabrication methodologies the projects that follow aim to use the limitations and capabilities of each system to create a vertical architectural system which serves function apart from just aesthetics. The various functions served are from Natural lighting control, Sound Mitigation and Air temperature control. Laser cutting – Gothic Funk This laser … Read more


Inspired by my personal experience, as a student in IAAC, there have been many times that I was carrying heavy materials and I was struggling  to open the main door. Therefore, using the arduino program I wanted to make an automatic revolving door. When the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor detects an object from a specific distance, … Read more

Responsive Rainwater Catchment System

Reference: ThinkPhi

The Responsive Rainwater Catchment System (RRCS) is a proposed system to collect rainwater, reacting to environmental factors through sensors and actuators. The system is imagined as an inverted “umbrella” that is usually closed, and upon sensing rain opens and begins collecting rainwater. Reference: ThinkPhi It has as a priority to collect rainwater without blocking sunlight … Read more

FLOW_Digital Fabrication

The underlying theme that drove the designs for this seminar was “flow”. Inspired by the flowing movements of water in particular, our forms were developed from ripples, waves, and whirlpools. Laser Cutting | Tessellations 3D Printing | Droplets CNC | The Twist Laser Cutting | Tessellations A simple tessellated surface with small gaps in between … Read more


This project is based on my personal impression when I was a teenager in 2013. A Russian startup called “Playtronica” appeared suddenly in every public space in Moscow. The concept was that you can connect basically anything to the main board and, by manipulating the special program, your touch would create certain sounds. These “handmade” … Read more

Chasing Identity

Chasing Identity is a Generative Adversarial Network driven platform for finding variations of the architecture in the historical city center. I am from the Republic of Tatarstan, which is situated in the center part of Russia. Initially the idea of the project was born from anger and from working for the government. Kazan city has … Read more

“Cool As a Cucumber”

It’s easy to overheat. Whether you’re exercising, spending time outdoors, or even sitting in a poorly ventilated room, one can find their body temperatures rising to uncomfortably high levels. You might even experience heat stroke, dehydration, and other dangerous side effects from significant exposure to the heat. The concept of this device is simple – … Read more


Sip the Gossip Welcome to the solution on how to combat loneliness amongst elderly called SCUTTLEBUTT (rumor, gossip) – an app designed for more or less gossiping. The loneliness in the past years has become one of the major mental problems of the nation. Especially amongst elderly. In 2023 36% of adults aged 55-85 reported … Read more

Introduction to Digital Fabrication

Group Z.2 Origami – LASER CUTTING Taking inspiration from light-filtering facade systems such as that of the SDU Campus Kolding by Henning Larsen, Al Bahr Towers by AEDAS, and the Japan Pavilion for Expo 2020 by Yuko Nagayama and Associates, ORIGAMI is a facade prototype composed of a grid system to host panels or ‘flowers’ … Read more

TEMPLE GALAXIA (Arthur Mamou-Mani)

Burning Man, 2018 (Nevada – USA) Temple Galaxia was a pavillion made especially to be part of the Burning Man Festival, an arts, music and culture festival, that happens at the Nevada’s desert, in the United States. The wood structure was intended to be the main gathering space of the festival, where people could go … Read more

PatternCraft: Introduction to Digital Fabrication

The Twist (3d Printing) Concept & Form Finding Our 3D printing project embodies the fusion of functionality and aesthetic sophistication, drawing inspiration from the elegance of louvers panels and the captivating allure of twisted architectural forms. This design merges the simplicity of the plus sign with a mesmerizing twist, creating an engaging visual effect that … Read more

Urban Pollution Mapper

CONCEPT The project was designed to be an urban furniture that maps the city’s pollutions: air pollution and sound pollution. It is a design installation that aims social awareness regarding the environment people are exposed to in big and busy city centers. The benches’ side lights, triggered by the air quality sensor, are always on, … Read more