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Master in Advanced Architecture
Master in Advanced Architecture 01
Master in Advanced Architecture 02
Master in City & Technology
Master in City & Technology 01
Master in City & Technology 02
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities 01
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities 02
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction 01
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction 02
Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture
Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture and Design
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment 01
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment 02
Maestría en Urbanismo Próximo
All Syllabi
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Master in Advanced Architecture
Master in Advanced Architecture 01
Master in Advanced Architecture 02
Master in City & Technology
Master in City & Technology 01
Master in City & Technology 02
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities 01
Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities 02
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction 01
Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction 02
Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture and Design
Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment 01
Master in AI for Architecture and the Built Environment 02
Maestría en Urbanismo Próximo
1st Term
2nd Term
3rd Term
4th Term
MRAC01 22/23 Software I "Computational Logic for Interative Processes"
3DPA 22/23 Techne W2 Machine
MAA01 22/23 Introduction to Digital Fabrication Seminar
MAA01 22/23 Data Informed Structures Seminar
MAA02 22/23 Thesis Cluster
MaCAD 22/23 BIMSC Studio
MAA02 22/23 AI in the Built Environment
MaCT01 22/23 Generative Urban Design
MaCAD 22/23 AIA Theory
3DPA 23/24 Techne W4 Detail
3DPA 23/24 Vision
3DPA 23/24 Techne Prototype
MAA02 23/24 Advanced Manufacturing Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Computational Urban Design II
MAA01 23/24 Digital Woodcraft Seminar
MAEBB01 23/24 Thermodynamic Fabrications
MAEBB01 23/24 Project Media > Architectural Advocacy
MAA01 23/24 Robotic Fabrication Seminar
MOeC 23/24 Teoría y Ciudades
MAA01 24/25 Introduction to Programming & Physical Computing Seminar
MaUP 24/25 Datos Dinámicos
MaAI 24/25 AI Programming for Design
MAA02 MRAC02 MDEF02 24/25 Interaction & Prototyping
MaAI 24/25 Intelligent Prototyping
MaCT01 24/25 Agent Based Design & ML I
MRAC 24/25 Workshop 2.1: Robotic Glazing Coreography
MaCAD 24/25 BIMSC Studio
MRAC01 22/23 Studio I "Hyl?"
3DPA 22/23 Techne W3 Structure
MAA01 22/23 Computational Design I Seminar
MAA01 22/23 Interactive Environments Seminar
MRAC01 22/23 Applied Theory II "Material stories - between metrics and narrative"
MaCAD 22/23 Integrative Modelling
MAA02 22/23 Cloud Applications for Architecture: ShapeDiver
MACT01 22/23 Generative Urban Design
MaCAD 22/32 AIA Theory
MaCAD 22/23 Final Thesis
3DPA 23/24 Matter Research
MaCT01 23/24 Digital Tools & Big Data I
MAA02 23/24 C-Biom.A Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Data, Art & The City
MAA01 23/24 Fab.AR Seminar
MAEBB01 23/24 Ecosystemic Structures
MAEBB02 22/24 Local Adaptation Thesis Cluster
MAA01 23/24 Ecological Interactions Seminar
MaCT01 23/24 Workshop Vizzuality
MAA01 24/25 Introductory Studio G1: Metabolic Smart Prefabs
MaUP 24/25 Proseminario 01: Taller Contexto
3DPA 24/25 Techne W5 Fragments
MAA02 MaCT02 MAEBB02 MRAC02 24/25 Carbon Based Design
MRAC01 24/25 Applied Theory I
MaCT01 24/25 Theories of the Urban II
MRAC01 24/25 Studio II
MaCAD 24/25 Collaborative Workflows
MRAC01 22/23 Applied Theory I
3DPA 22/23 Techne W4 Detail
MAA01 22/23 Introductory Studio G1: Metabolic Modernisme
MAA01 22/23 After Gaudí: From Computation to Composition Seminar
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 2.1 "Mobile Robotics with ROS"
MaCAD 22/32 Collaborative Workflows
MOeC 22/23 Innovación Pública
MOeC 22/23 La Ciudad de los Cuidados
MaCAD 22/23 Data Encoding & Machine Learning
MaCAD 23/24 ACESD Theory
3DPA 23/24 Construction
MaCT01 23/24 Urban Economies & Innovation
MAA02 23/24 Interactive Architecture Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Theories of the Urban II
MAA01 23/24 Artificial Intelligence in Architecture Studio
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 2.2 "Designing Robotic Pixels with COMPAS"
MAEBB02 22/24 Biobased Design Thesis Cluster
MAA01 23/24 Molecular Landscapes Seminar
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Proyecto 3
MAA01 24/25 Introductory Studio G2: Bio-Tech Morphologies
MaUP 24/25 Workshop Análisis Urbano
MaAI 24/25 Data-Driven Design
MAA02 MaCT02 MRAC02 MDEF02 24/25 Business Innovation
MAA01 24/25 X-Urban Design Studio
MaCT01 24/25 Innovative Urban Futures
MRAC 24/25 Workshop 2.2: Robotic Solutions For 3D Space Analysis
MaCAD 24/25 Integrative Modelling
MRAC01 22/23 Hardware I
3DPA 22/23 Techne W5 Fragments
MAA01 22/23 Introductory Studio G2: The Architecture of Algorithms
MAA01 22/23 Introduction to Robotic Fabrication Seminar
MRAC01 22/23 Studio II "Sensing Manufacturing"
MaCAD 22/23 Data Management
MAA02, MACT02 & MRAC02 22/23 Mapping Circularity in the Built Environment
MOeC 22/23 Gobernanza Urbana
MaCAD 22/23 Generative Planning
MAA01 23/24 Computational Design I Seminar Level 1
MRAC01 23/24 Software I "Computational Logic for Iterative Processes"
MaCT01 23/24 Theories of the Urban I
MAA02 23/24 Algorithmic Design Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Internet of People
MAA01 23/24 Digital Matter Studio
MAEBB01 23/24 Metabolic Building Systems: Energy
MAEBB02 23/24: Circular Manufacturing Thesis Cluster
MAA01 23/24 Biotic Structures Seminar
MaCAD AIA Theory 23/24
MAA01 24/25 Introductory Studio G3: The Future of Infrastructure
MaUP 24/25 Workshop Comunicación
MaAI 24/25 Design Communication & Interfaces
MAA02 24/25 Advanced Manufacturing Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 Self Sufficient Buildings Studio
MaCT01 24/25 Serious Games
MAEBB01 24/25 Metabolic Building Systems: Energy
MaCAD 24/25 BIMSC Theory
MRAC02 22/23 Research Thesis Studio
3DPA 22/23 Techne W6 Architecture
MAA01 22/23 Introductory Studio G3: The Workspace of the Future
MAA01 22/23 Decarbonising Built Environments Seminar
MRAC01 22/23 Hardware II "Intelligent Sensing and Vision"
MaCT02 22/23 AI in Urbanism I
MAA02 & MRAC02 22/23 Business Innovation
MOeC 22/23 Comunidades
MaCAD 22/23 Graph Machine Learning
MAA01 23/24 Computational Design I Seminar Level 2
MaCAD 23/24 Environmental Analysis
MaCT01 23/24 Internet of Cities
MAA02 23/24 Design Behaviours Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Networked Flows
MAA01 23/24 Self Sufficient Buildings Studio
MAEBB01 23/24 Metabolic Building Systems: Water
MaCT01 23/24 Landscapes in Transition
MAA02 MaCT02 MAEBB02 MDEF02 MRAC02 23/24 Research & Methods
MaCAD 23/24 Graph Machine Learning
MAA01 24/25 Introductory Studio G4: Biodiverse Public Spaces
MaUP 24/25 Workshop Proyecto
3DPA 24/25 Techne W6 Volume
MRAC01 24/25 Hardware I
MAA01 24/25 Digital Matter Studio
MRAC02 24/25 Research Thesis
MAEBB01 24/25 Metabolic Building Systems: Water
MaCAD 24/25 Data Management
MRAC02 22/23 Advanced Technology
3DPA 22/23 Research Studio
MAA01 22/23 Introduction to Programming and Physical Computing Seminar
MAA01 22/23 X-Urban Design Studio
MRAC01 22/23 Software II "Introduction to ROS"
MAEBB01 22/23 Ecosystemic Structures
MAEBB01 22/23 Urban Interventions
MOeC 22/23 Antropología Urbana
MaCAD 22/23 AIA Studio
MAA01 23/24 Introduction to Digital Fabrication Seminar
MOeC 23/24 Ecosistemas Urbanos
3DPA 23/24 Techne W5 Fragments
MAEBB01 23/24 : Defining Biocities
MaCT02 23/24 Design for Fabrication & Interaction
MAA01 23/24 X-Urban Design Studio
MAEBB01 23/24 Resilient Envelopes
MaCT01 23/24 Digital Tools & Big Data III
MOeC 23/24 Antropología Urbana
MaCAD 23/24 Data Encoding
MAA01 24/25 Computational Design I Seminar Level 1
MaCT01 24/25 Python for Urban Analytics
MAEBB01 24/25 Ecological Interactions
MAA02 24/25 Algorithmic Design I Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 Data Informed Structures Seminar
MRAC 24/25 Advanced Technology
MaUP 24/25 Amazonía Urbana
MAEBB01 24/25 Resilient Envelopes
MAA02 22/23 Interaction & Prototyping
3DPA 22/23 Competition
MaCT01 22/23 Sustainable Urban Economies
MAA01 22/23 Self Sufficient Buildings Studio
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 2.2 Robotic Mosaic
MOeC 22/23 Economias Emergentes en Bio Regiones Productivas
MRAC01 22/23 Hardware III "Haptic Proxies for Virtual Worlds"
MOeC 22/23 Urbanismo Humanista
MaCT02 21/23 AI in Urbanism II
MaCAD 23/24 ACESD Studio
MOeC 23/24 Taller de Proyectos 1
3DPA 23/24 Techne W6 Architecture
MAEBB01 23/24 : Ecological Interactions > Agriculture Zero
MAA02 MaCT02 23/24 Augmented & Mixed Reality
MAA01 23/24 Computational Design II Seminar Level 1
MAA01 23/24 Computational Design II Seminar
MaCT01 23/24 Future Cities
MOeC 23/24 Ciudades para más que Humanos
MaCAD 23/24 Generative AI
MAA01 24/25 Computational Design I Seminar Level 2
MaCT01 24/25 CoCreating Public Space
MAA02 MaCT02 MRAC02 24/25 ReCITYing Workshop
MAA02 24/25 Materially Responsive Architecture Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 After Gaudí: From Computation to Composition Seminar
MAA02 MaCT02 24/25 Augmented & Mixed Reality
MaUP 24/25 De la Ciudad Intermedia a la Ciudad de los Intermediarios
MAEBB01 24/25 Urban Synthesis
MaCT01 22/23 Computational Urban Design I
3DPA 22/23 Construction
MaCAD 22/23 Complex Forming
MAA01 22/23 Digital Matter Studio
MaCT01 22/23 Introduction to City Science
MOeC 22/23 Desarrollo Local Innovador
MRAC01 22/23 Applied Theory III "Distributed cognition & collaborative awareness"
MOeC 22/23 De la Ciudad Intermedia a la Ciudad de los Intermediarios
MAEBB01 22/23 Final Thesis Construction
MaCAD 23/24 Complex Forming
MOeC 23/24 Urban Next
MRAC02 23/24 Advanced Technology
MAEBB01 23/24 : Advanced Digital Tools
MAA02 MaCT02 23/24 AI in the Built Environment
MAA01 23/24 Computational Design II Seminar Level 2
MOeC 23/24 Economías Emergentes en Bio Regiones Productivas
MaCT01 23/24 Computational Urban Design III
MOeC 23/24 Comunidades
MaCAD 23/24 AIA Studio
MaCT01 24/25 Intro Workshop: Understanding Barcelona
MaCT01 24/25 Designing for More than Humans
MRAC01 24/25 Software I: Computational Design for Digital and Robotic Fabrication
MAA02 24/25 Digital Urban Landscapes Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 Digital Woodcraft Seminar
MAEBB01 24/25 Thermodynamic Fabrications
MaUP 24/25 Economía Urbana e Innovación
MaCT01 24/25 Agent Based Design & ML II
MaCT01 22/23 Conceptual Mapping
3DPA 22/23 Vision
MaCAD 22/23 Environmental Analysis
MAA01 22/23 Digital Woodcraft Seminar
MaCT02 22/23 Business Innovation
MOeC 22/23 Mapas Dinámicos
MRAC01 22/23 Studio III "Robotic Craft Interaction"
MAA01 22/23 Biotopia Seminar
MOeC 22/23 Taller de Tesis
MaCAD 23/24 Structural Optimization Strategies
MOeC 23/24 Urbanismo Ecosistémico
MRAC02 22/24 Research Thesis Studio
MAEBB01 23/24 : Design and Fabrication
MRAC01 23/24 Software II "Introduction to ROS"
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 2.1 "Robotic Solutions for 3D Space Analysis"
MOeC 23/24 Desarrollo Local Innovador
MaCT02 23/24 Recitying Workshop
MOeC 23/24 Ciudadanía y Ciudad
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Teoría 3
MaCAD 24/25 ACESD Theory
MaCT01 MDEF02 MAA02 24/25 Emerging Economies
MAA02 24/25 Interactive Architecture Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 Introduction to Robotic Fabrication Seminar
MAEBB01 24/25 Ecosystemic Structures
MaUP 24/25 Mapas Dinámicos y Urbanismo Humanista
MaCT01 24/25 Petropolis
MaCT01 22/23 Digital Tools & Big data I
MAA02 22/23 Theory and Advanced Knowledge
MaCAD 22/23 Structural Optimization Strategies
MAEBB01 22/23 AgroEcology
MaCT01 2022/23 Storytelling & the City
MOeC 22/23 Taller de Proyectos 2
MRAC01 22/23 Software III "AI-aided Fabrication"
MAA01 & MRAC01 22/23 Discrete Assemblies Seminar
MOeC 22/23 Workshop Lanzadera
MAA01 23/24 Introduction to Programming & Physical Computing Seminar
MOeC 23/24 Urbanismo Humanista
MAA02 MaCT02 MAEBB02 MRAC02 23/24 Business Innovation
MAEBB01 23/24 : Collaborative Design Studio
MRAC01 23/24 Applied Theory II
MRAC01 23/24 Hardware II "Intelligent Sensing and Vision"
MOeC 23/24 De la Ciudad Intermedia a la Ciudad de los Intermediarios
MaCT01 23/24 Internet of Buildings
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Proyecto 2
MOeC 23/24 Taller de Tesis
MaCAD 24/25 Complex Forming
3DPA 24/25 Techne W1 Matter
MAEBB02 MAA02 MaCT02 MDEF02 24/25 Ecological Interactions
MAA02 24/25 Algorithmic Design II Thesis Cluster
MAA01 24/25 Fab.AR Seminar
MRAC01 24/25 Hardware II
MaUP 24/25 Bioeconomías y Urbanización
MaCT01 24/25 Webmaps & Digital Storytelling
MaCT02 22/23 Design for Interaction and Fabrication
MOeC 22/23 Taller de Proyectos 1
MaCAD 22/23 ACESD Studio
MAEBB01 22/23 Design + Fabrication
MaCT02 2022/23 Urban MR
MOeC 22/23 Trópico Urbano
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 3.1 "Discreet Assemblies"
MAA01 22/23 Fab.AR Seminar
MOeC 22/23 Proyecto-tesis: crítico, especulativo, urbano
MAA01 23/24 Advanced Theory Seminar
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 1.1 "Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing"
MAA02 MaCT02 MAEBB02 MDEF02 23/24 Circular Matter
MAEBB01 23/24 : Sustainable Forest Management
MAA01 23/24 Assembled Architecture Seminar
MRAC01 23/24 Studio II "Sensing Manufacturing"
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 3.2 "Considering Human-Centric HRC through the lens of feminist technoscience"
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Teoría 2
MAA01 24/25 Introduction to Digital Fabrication Seminar
MaCAD 24/25 Structural Optimization
MaAI 24/25 Research Studio
MAEBB01 24/25 Advanced Digital Tools
MaCT02 24/25 Advanced Urban Design Thesis Studio
MAA01 24/25 Molecular Landscapes Seminar
MaAI01 24/25 Urban Data Workshop
MaUP 24/25 Proseminario 02: Taller Concepto
MaCT01 24/25 Urban Vulnerability Studio
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 1.1 Ruled Stereotomic Manifacturing
MOeC 22/23 Urban Next
MOeC 22/23 Datos: La Velocidad del Urbanismo
MAEBB01 22/23 Ecological Thinking
MaCT01 2022/23 Internet of People
MAEBB01 22/23 Metabolic Systems: Water
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 3.2 "Building Instincts III"
MACT01 22/23 Urban Sensing
MOeC 22/23 Workshop Teoria
MAA01 23/24 Introductory Studio G1: Metabolic Smart Prefabs
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 1.2 "Stack Lamination"
MAA02 MRAC02 MDEF02 23/24 Urban Shift
MRAC01 23/24 Hardware I
MAA01 23/24 COLLAPSE! Seminar
MaCAD 23/24 BIMSC Studio
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Teoría
MRAC01 23/24 Workshop 3.1 "Personable Robotics"
MOeC 23/24 Taller de Proyectos 3
MaCT01 24/25 Studio Digital Cartographies
MaCAD 24/25 Environmental Analysis
MaAI 24/25 AI Theory for Design
MAEBB01 24/25 Ecological Intelligence
3DPA 24/25 Research Studio
MAA01 24/25 Structural Design Essentials Workshop
MAA02 MaCT02 24/25 AI in the Built Environment
MaUP 24/25 Regeneración y Desarrollo Urbano
MaCT01 24/25 Digital Tools for Investigative Methodologies II
MRAC01 22/23 Workshop 1.2 Robotic Finishing Touch
MOeC 22/23 Urbanismo Ecosistémico
MAA02 & MRAC02 22/23 Robotic Fabrication
MAEBB01 22/23 Advanced Digital Tools
MaCT01 2022/23 Digital Tools & Big Data II
MAEBB01 22/23 Metabolic Systems: Energy
MaCT01 22/23 Internet of Buildings
MAEBB01 22/23 Final Thesis Media Production
MAEBB01 22/23 Material Production
MAA01 23/24 Introductory Studio G2: Eco-Tech Morphologies
MaCT01 23/24 Topophilia
MAA02 MRAC02 23/24 Interaction & Prototyping
MAEBB02 MAA02 MACT02 23/24 Defining Biocities
MAA01 23/24 Interactive Environments Seminar
MaCAD 23/24 Collaborative Workflows
MOeC 23/24 Taller de Proyectos 2
MRAC01 23/24 Studio III "Robotic Craft Interaction"
MaCT01 23/24 Theories of the Urban III
MaCT01 24/25 Digital Cultures
MaUP 24/25 Urban Next
3DPA 24/25 Techne W2 Machine
MAEBB01 24/25 Design and Fabrication
MaAI 24/25 EADA - Leading Yourself Workshop
MRAC01 24/25 Studio I
MDEF01 24/25 Design with Others
MaCT02 24/25 DataTHINK 2025: AI & Cities
MaCT01 24/25 Theories of the Urban III
MaCT02 22/23 Landscapes in Transition
MaCT01 22/23 Future Mobility
MOeC 22/23 Paisajes Post-naturales
MAEBB01 22/23 Collaborative Design Studio
MaCT01 2022/23 Computational Urban Design II
MAEBB01 22/23 Advanced Digital Tools II
MaCT01 22/23 Digital Tools & Big Data III
MAEBB 01 22/23 Final Thesis Design
3DPA 23/24 Techne W1 Matter
MAA01 23/24 Introductory Studio G3: The Future of Infrastructure
MaCT01 23/24 Computational Urban Design I
MAA02 MRAC02 23/24 Robotic Fabrication
MAA02 23/24 Theory & Knowledge
MAA01 23/24 Introduction to Robotic Fabrication Seminar
MaCAD 23/24 Integrative Modelling
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Proyecto 1
MRAC01 23/24 Software III "Machine Learning meets robotics"
MaCT01 23/24 Innovative Urban Futures
MaCT01 24/25 Theories of the Urban I
MaUP 24/25 Urbanismo Ecosistémico
MaCAD 24/25 ACESD Studio
MAEBB01 24/25 Collaborative Design Studio
3DPA 24/25 Matter Research
MaCT01 24/25 Empowerment Studio
MDEF01 24/25 Human non Human machine interaction H(n)MI
3DPA 24/25 Construction
MaCT01 22/23 Theory of Cities
MaCT02 22/23 Advanced Urban Design Thesis Studio
MaCAD 22/23 ACESD Theory
MOeC 22/23 Ecosistemas Urbanos
MAEBB01 22/23 Sustainable Forest Management
MAEBB01 22/23 Thermodynamic Fabrications
MAEBB01 22/23 Ecological Thinking II
MAA02, MaCT02, MRAC02 & MAEBB02 22/23 Research & Methods
MOeC 22/23 Taller de Proyectos 3
3DPA 23/24 Techne W2 Machine
MAA01 23/24 Introductory Studio G4: Kin Infrastructures
MRAC01 23/24 Studio I "Hybrid Workflows"
MDEF01 23/24 Design with Others
MaCT02 23/24 Advanced Urban Design Thesis Studio
MAA01 23/24 After Gaudí: From Computation to Composition Seminar
MaCAD 23/24 BIMSC Theory
MAEBB01 23/24 Ecological Intelligence
MRAC01 23/24 Hardware III "Haptic Proxies for Virtual Worlds"
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Comunicación
MaCAD 23/24 Final Thesis
MaUP 24/25 Resiliencia Urbana
3DPA 24/25 Techne W3 Structure
MAEBB01 24/25 Sustainable Forest Management
MRAC01 24/25 Workshop 1.2 "Weaving Natural Materials"
MaCT01 24/25 Apps 4 Citizens
MRAC 24/25 Software II
3DPA 24/25 Vision
MaCT01 22/23 Internet of Cities
3DPA 22/23 Techne W1 Matter
MAA01 22/23 Expansive Theory Seminar
MAA01 22/23 Ecological Interactions Seminar
MAA02 22/23 Thesis
MaCAD 22/23 BIMSC Theory
MAEBB01 22/23 Resilient Envelopes
MAA02 22/23 Urban Shift
3DPA 23/24 Techne W3 Structure
3DPA 23/24 Research Studio
MRAC01 23/24 Applied Theory I "Robotic Manifesto"
MAA02 23/24 Sustainable Architecture Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 23/24 Digital Tools & Big Data II
MAA01 23/24 Data Informed Structures Seminar
MaCAD 23/24 Data Management
MAEBB01 23/24: Urban Synthesis
MRAC01 23/24 Applied Theory III "Distributed cognition & collaborative awareness"
MOeC 23/24 Workshop Lanzadera
MAA01 24/25 Advanced Theory Seminar
MaUP 24/25 Latam en Transición
3DPA 24/25 Techne W4 Period
MAA02 MAEBB02 MRAC02 24/25 Robotic Fabrication
MAA02 24/25 Biom Architecture (C-Biom.A) Thesis Cluster
MaCT01 24/25 From Afar
MRAC 24/25 Applied Theory II
MAA02 MaCT02 24/25 Computation for Dynamic Visualization